Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Young Rock
100,000,000+ million streams across all platforms & major credits in campaigns for “The Walking Dead”, “League of Legends” and more.
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I'm sound engineer from Ukraine and I'd like to offer quality mixing and mastering for you. I worked with performers from around the world. I do my job quickly and efficiently.
I create beats and music for R&B, rap and pop genres.
Pop, R&B, & Hip-Hop songwriter/producer with over 15 years of experience! I've worked with legendary people from Missy Elliott, producer Bangladesh, to Notorious B.I.G. and Faith Evans. I have mixed and mastered records for NBA2K soundtrack and more!
Specializing in House and UK Garage music, I have been doing music for over 20 years. I have had radio plays on multiple national radio stations as well as being supported my many Big DJ's within the scene. I achieved the number 1 chart position on Beatport June 2020 and continue to have successful records in the Beatport and Traxsource charts.
one time i called a shure sm7b "basic" and it made john mayer mad. let's work together
Producer/Mixer/Engineer/Studio Owner and Artist based in Toronto with 16 years of experience in Studio Production as well as gigging around the world making music as an artist. Running the well known "Candle Recording Studio" for 10+ years in Toronto , On working with some of Canada's buzziest and most successful Independent bands/artist's
hitRECord veteran producer and mixer will bring new life to your work.
Recent Successes
"Work with Matthew while you have the opportunity! This is my second project with him and working together is simply great and the work is phenomenal. "
"Yoed plays with speed and accuracy. He also delivers his high definition recordings very quickly. He bested the performances of two very accomplished cellists who were on earlier versions of my song. He is my go-to pe..."
"Denitia is one of the true gems here. Her voice is truly beautiful, the stems she recorded are top-notch too, she always delivered three tracks to choose from which was a perfect way to work for me. But convince yours..."
"Excellent singer. I highly recommend working with her. She has been very kind with me and has delivered high quality recordings for my project."
"Trey was great as always! I gave him a relatively busy set of tracks to mix and add some things to and he put just the right treatment on it. And always a pleasure to work with. Thank you Trey!"
"Matt is my go to mixing engineer for all my songs. He does a wonderful job of dialing in the indie folk sound that I'm going for. He is fast, flexible, and very skilled at his craft!"
"Second time working with KUYANO. He is honestly such a down to earth guy. On top of that he’s an incredibly talented engineer. Will definitely be working with him again in the future. "
"I've worked with Michael on 4 occasions now. He is really phenomenal at what he does. If you are considering a vocalist in the rock/metal genre then you won't find anyone better than Michael. Highly recommended."