Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yoniro
Private mastering engineer HMMA music in media award 2021 winning best jazz with hundreds of collaboration in Italy and drummer of the Radio Italia Live Orchestra offers high-quality mix, analog mastering and drum recordings for productions of various musical genres.
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I am interested in producing and releasing music with some other interesting folks. I have been a producer & engineer for SiriusXM Nashville since 2010 and a lifelong musician. I am interested in networking, actively producing music for release, and artist development.
Audio Engineering. Remote Mixing and Mastering collaboration with up and coming artist Gringo The Mc
Arranging Strings, Brass & Vocals for some of the UK's freshest talent. Over 5,000,000 streams. Radio play from around the globe.
Shoulda went to Bacon Mixing engineer from Atlanta Quality over quantity
responsible approach / style / vibe
My deep record collection spanning decades gives me a huge arsenal of sonic weapons to serve you.
Drew Riekman is an audio and mixing engineer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Guided by a desire to create a welcoming and approachable studio experience, Drew has developed an intentional approach to recording and mixing over the course of his near two decades in the industry.
Recent Successes
"Andres did a very professional work with extremely fast response time as usual. I appreciate especially that he gave me the details about his tonal correction measures. Thank you Andres!"
"Brad once again did an excellent job with the master. Detailed and timely!"
"First time time working with Marcelo and I couldn't be more impressed. Drum tracks were awesome and he was very intuitive and flexible. Definitely an A+ experience."
"Had such a positive experience with Vivian! We wrote a song together via zoom which only took three sessions and she really helped me bring my vision to life and assisted me on the parts where I was stuck. Super happy..."
"Another fantastic vocal mix done by Alex. He is my go to for vocals. Looking forward to the next one! "
"Absolutely incredible ear for melodies and arrangements for piano this time, although it's always amazing whatever instrument or vocals. And the tone and mixing is so good!!!!!!! You will be happy you worked with Ma..."