Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yiqin
Music Producer. Flute and Tenor Saxophone player. Berklee Graduate
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I am a Grammy winning recording engineer, mixer and producer based in Los Angeles with over 15 years of experience working with some of the top artists in the music industry.
Do you prefer classic or unconventional musical solutions? Whatever your project needs, we are always aiming for perfection and develop musical ideas in the best possible direction. We are composer, producer, mixer duo specializing in orchestral trailer music, pop-rock, electronic.
Dedicated, efficient, strives for excellence
Welcome to Sixth Sense Studios the official recording studio of Count Up Records, LLC located in Whitestone, New York. We specialize in Mixing, Mastering, Music Production & more. We offer fast turnaround times while keeping customer satisfaction a top priority. Let us help you take your music to the next level.
We take the smallest of ideas to create landscapes you never want to leave.
A creative-head named Jey Voltage now producing and delivering some cool Chill-Hop beats. A dreamer who will never stop creating. I'm specialized in Hip-Hop niche.
I can mix and master your songs or material for a low fee I also offer male vocals and session guitars.
I have over 15 years of recording experience. SRS is my system: an innovative approach with a mix of vintage and modern sounds. SOUND REAL SYSTEM - Immersive Audio
Recent Successes
"Tiffany is an exceptional writer with a really beautiful voice. I am very happy with the result of our work together. Definitely looking forward to many more collaborations with her in the future. Highly recommended i..."
"Very good work ethic, very helpful and is about his work. Very satisfied with Rami. I will be working with him again in the future!"
"High quality work done within a very reasonable timeframe. Not to mention an almost intuitive ear for creative direction. Will be working with Chad again in the future. "
"I loved what Daniel & I created! Extremely timely without sacrificing quality and very patient."
"Dan is a nice person and a great drummer.. Was fun working with him "
"Vanja is a huge talent! He just completed work on another of my songs, and it is as beautiful as the first. He gave me a lot of tracks and options for mixing, so I am really pleased once again. Have no doubt about ..."
"I feel as though working with Chris has improved me as a musician. Easy to work with and open communication. Very much enjoyed conversation and having his musical skills and knowledge applied to my music. Will absolut..."
"Ashley is a very talented songwriter. She listened to all of the notes given at the outset of the project and did an excellent job incorporating our ideas into the song. She wrote exactly what we were envisioning for ..."
"Well, the smallest thing I can do is give Andreas and his team a 5 star rating. They are absolutely great! And yes it is 100% analog and that could be heard. The balance of a pure analogue low and crystal hi shelf is ..."
"Always great to work with François! Thank you so much and see you on the next one :)"