Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with yamrin
Versatile and experienced musician, producer, and engineer. Pro gear, fast turn around, flexible to any needs.
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Hit Songwriter, producer, mix engineer and vocal recording specialist. Winner of Modern Mixing 'Oxygen' Mix Contest. Available for co-writing, production and mixing work. Happy to program your tracks from scratch, even if you don't play an instrument.
I write and produce songs. Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Metal, EDM
Hi My name is Victorino Perez, I’m an acoustic guitar player with almost 25 years of experience. I work as a session musician for top local artists in México.
Professional producer, composer, arranger, session singer.
I am able to mix, master and produce your track.
Voyagefox travel blog posts provide all of the information about the most incredible places so that you can create lifelong memories.
Un Coco - Bad Bunny Ultra Solo - Polimá Westcoast ft. Pailita Ultra Solo remix - Polimá Westcoast ft. Pailita, Feid, Paloma Mami & De La Ghetto Kawaii - Polimá Westcoast ft. J Balvin Me Arrepentí - AK4:20 ft. Pailita & Cris MJ
I am Ghost Producer for EDM, start in music in 2016! I specialize in genres such as: ⚡ Tecnho ⚡ Tech House ⚡ Future House ⚡ Deep House ⚡ Bass House ⚡ Future Bass ⚡ Slap House ⚡ Latin Tech House ⚡Afro House ⚡ and more... Listen to my demo reels to get a taste of the quality of my work.
Recent Successes
"Jeff took the original mixes that he worked on and added just the right amount of shine in mastering all 16 tracks. As an unsigned band trying to make a mark Jeff has provided the perfect starting point for our first ..."
"Seriously, bomb. I'm very excited to work with John again. This is the most excited about a song I've been so far. Makes me excited to keep growing and making more music. Thanks again, John! Everything was absolutely ..."
"Incredibly fun guy to work with! Delivered as promised and even created a background track to give me a better idea on the full song with his lyrics that he wrote. Will contact again in the future for sure!"
"Matthew was great to work with. I will continue to work with him on my future projects and highly recommend him. "
"Running out of superlatives honestly. Whatever I've thrown at Jay he's absolutely crushed in terms of style and sound. Gets the job done and gets it done fast. Can't recommend highly enough.Really brought my tracks th..."
"Ivan did a great job w/ my track and I'd recommend him for quick.& accurate vocal production!"
"Luke is just the BEST! It’s always easy going and straightforward with him and he nails anything I throw his way! The guy can do it all and he knows how to come up with some truly beautiful parts for your project! Can..."