Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yair
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Hey guys! I go by SamJordan, I am an engineer, producer, composer. I work from my home studio and also freelance out of studios in the Kansas City area.
Sound: 1. vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear ; 2. sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise. As I mix records, I truly believe I am an airbender, manipulating the vibrations that through the air to make the best possible sounds.
Hello all! Are you looking for a touch from the world famous music nation Sweden? I am an experienced vocalist, songwriter and producer and I have been writing and recording my own music since I was a teenager. Now I am interested in using my skills to help others with their songs.
I'm a trained and experienced Mixing Engineer who can make your songs sound great. I also play several different instruments, so if you're a songwriter who needs other instruments added to their arrangement, I can write, play and record the parts.
Hi! I specialize in everything voice-related (lead, stacks, harmonies, comps, tuning, etc.). Along with being comfortable with genres like r&b, pop, soul, and folk, I also have a master's degree in jazz voice.
I'm an award-winning music coach and critically acclaimed "musician's musician" rooted in Chicago music for 30 years. "Defies rock, jazz, and blues, because they're all in there." (In The Mix) "A Zen-like understanding..." (Chicago Music Guide)
Hi I am a Colombian studio guitarist born and based in the city of Bogota I have been working in the industry for more than 6 years having the opportunity to work with excellent producers, collectives and artists, such as Maria McCausland, Mayra Sanchez, Juanse Laverde, Beto Urieles, Donny Caballero, The Boom Maker, Salomé, Badlissi, Penyair, Ri.
4 Year beat maker - Trap, Hip Hop, Drill ,Reggaeton... YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!
Recent Successes
"It was really great working with Cleo. we are totally satisfied with his job. He works very well, he is quick and he is nice too. I highly recommend him. thank you"
"As always - Sefi is a consummate professional and creates wonderful productions."
"Elise was very nice to work with! She has a beautiful voice :) "
"What you can immediately tell on Fabian's (KUYANO's) page is that he's an extremely passionate and skilled artist/producer/mixing engineer/mastering engineer/etc. But what you don't see on his page are some of the thi..."
"Amazing as always"
"Plain & simple, Jim does amazing work! He's so good at listening to my rambling notes & translating what that actually means as it pertains to a mix. The Dad jokes he offers are just icing on the cake! "
"I love Dalton - I can always trust him with every aspect. I just set out some loose ideas and he paints in the picture every-time to amazing detail. We are always on the same page and is a master of his craft."