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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with writer producer Tue Hollies / Skylarks
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Innovative Music Studios is a recording facility located conveniently in Jersey City. Joe Hernandez founded Innovative music in 2004 with the vision to create an artist friendly environment. Innovative Music has a great artistic and creative vibe that allows a recording artist to express their music freely.
If you want quality and commercial sound in your tracks, you are welcome!
Hey there! Welcome to my profile. I'm a producer, songwriter and artist with 8 years of experience in making music.
▶ SING : in English and Chinese (Energetic Vocals / Soft Dynamic Vocals) ▶ WRITE : Funk, Pop, Rock, Folk and Ballad Songs ▶ ARRANGE : Funk, Pop, Rock, World, Ethnic-Electronic, Acoustic
I am a young eager audio engineer/music producer who has the skills to take you music or audio to the next level. I went to Arizona to attend the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences and since have become a fully capable sound engineer. I work mainly with Logic Pro X, although I can use pro tools as well and I am tier 3 certified in it.
I'm a Professional drummer and educator from Mexico. I've played live and recorded music for +15 years. My priority is on delivering the best performance for your song, I play what the song and you need.
Whatever you need, I can probably do it (For the most part) I worked as a manager for 10+ years, working with Independent and Mainstream artists and record lables. I have now transitioned to artist, and after writing and recording 175 songs in 2 years, I feel like I can finally say that I know what I like doing and I would love to do it for you.
Recent Successes
"Arthur did a perfect job as always, with his patience and diligence my song was able to reach its maximum potential. 100% recommend him - a great enginee!"
"Steve hits a home run every time! "
"Giancarlo is excellent. Attentive and sees projects to successful conclusions. "
"this man is a legend i love the end result so much the and he's very understanding takes what you say and brings it straight to life "
"Mr. Gerald Hairston is THE REAL DEAL on the mix. Excellent attention to detail, gave me what I asked for, and a pleasure to work with. Will summons his services asap. A REAL professional mixing engineer who makes your..."
"SUVI is a true professional! It was easy to work with her, no misunderstandings at all and the quality of the result is amazing! Happy to work together again at any time!"
"Since I started working with Rob I can't stop working with him. The combination of his dedication, kindness and pure talent is a rarity. 10/10, if you consider booking him, don't give a second thought!"