Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wingtips
I am a Producer and Engineer with over a decade of experience working in music. (Previous clients include: Third Man Records/Jack White, Jon Spencer, Bonny Doon, Wingtips, Ganser)
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Hi I'm Kevin, I specialized on mixing, mastering and producing Rock and Metal songs.
a deep voice for your soul
I've done re-mixes for artist such as: Daruckus feat: Eminem and Uncle ILL.
Home Studio songwriter and producer, eager to give your project the passion it deserves. Exceptional attention to detail, and a 'do it right or not at all' attitude. I love all forms of music, especially alternative and electronic genres, and I love listening to it almost as much as I love making it. Let's make your project sound great.
I basically live in the Studio
I'm a music producer from Argentina who loves all kinds of music. I've been playing the guitar for more than 3 years, and the piano for 2 years now. I've studied 2 years in a music conservatory and been producing music for over a year. I constantly pursue learning and mastering new skills and I'm always up to learn something new!
Karson McIntyre
I am a Producer and Engineer with over a decade of experience working in music. (Previous clients include: Third Man Records/Jack White, Jon Spencer, Bonny Doon, Wingtips, Ganser)
Recent Successes
"DJ Rest was spot on. He selected cuts that went along with the narrative of the song and added the sparkle i was after for my track. "
"Great voice!"
"Such a great mixing engineer really! 101!10 service, patients and awesome communication skills! you need a Mixing engineer? FILIP KA IS UR MAN !!!!!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! <3 "
"Matt was an absolute pleasure to work with - the mix is great and I definitely hope to work with him again!"
"Once in a great while your run in with a great producer, that’s God an outstanding talent with arranging music on your personal songs. I’m lucky to say that I have found that producer right here."
"Kyle is a freaking MACHINE! The guy can play everything and anything, and he just blows us away EVERY TIME! We've got nothing but great things to say about him as a person, and his services, and we can't wait to use h..."