Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Window Weather
I can create a lush, imaginative sonic world for your song or film. I specialize in electric and acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, lap steel, bass, synthesizer and have an expansive sound library to actualize your vision.
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My one goal is to make sure you are 110% stoked on what we create together! I have had years of experience getting to work in multiple genres (Pop, EDM, Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter) My work has been on: Trap Nation (2 mil), Magic Records (550k), CloudKid (250k) Etc..
I’m currently working with The Game (Rapper) and Dennis Lorenzo (Singer American Idol).
I have been playing guitar, writing music, and recording for over 30 years. I have produced 13 albums with various bands, and 5 solo projects.
Get your tracks mixed or mastered
Will produce an instrumental of any modern/urban genre as well as try to replicate any source material which is given to me to the best of my ability.
I will do a Special Beats, Dj Sets, Mix & Master Music & Community Manager
I am a passionate mix engineer but also a musician and songwriter who loves the music making process. I will work tirelessly to get you the most out of your music! I love all styles but am drawn towards guitar based music often with electronic embellishments.
At 22, I've been songwriting for 9 years. My main genre is R&B but I have featured in Hip-Hop, and written for indie and rap.
Recent Successes
"It was a great experience recording with Larry. He checked in with me every step of the way to make sure that I was happy with the direction. The parts were well thought out and just perfect for the song. I'd be thril..."
"Taylor is great to work with and we had a lot of fun creating a great catchy song! He is very good at what he does, and communicates very well. A fantastic producer, all in all."
"It was my first song and this guy didn't disappoint me-I must have really annoyed him with all my revisions but he has an open ear for all improvements and responded really fast, we made it and I am just thankful......."
"Filip did another epic job remixing my track with a tropical style this time! Love his ideas and love the vocal chops and vibe! Great to work with thanks so much!"
"Again a perfect product. What else can I say? They just nailed it with their work. Super clear mixdown and a huge sounding production. Will defenedly come back here! "
"She makes simple and catchy melody. She gets done everything she asked for!!"
"Austin is incredibly nice, throughout the process. He is very professional, and delivers excellent quality work! Thank you Austin for the incredible experience. "