Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Will Onésimo
More than 300,000 plays in his productions around the world. Producer of Hip-Hop, R&B, Baile Funk Music, Reggaeton, Afro, Latin music, among others.
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I am a professional audio engineer with over 16 years of experience and specialize in music production/recording. I have worked with a variety of artist and genres and I look forward to working with you on your next project.
NitroBlast Recording Studio Here at NitroBlast Recording Studio we have seen a number of Music genres that have developed since the emergence of Subcategories in Metal, Rock, Rap, Jazz, Blues, Country and on . now in todays genres there is no more Recording style Specifically to that genres . Todays listener has developed a wide rang of musical
Experienced producer/singer/multi instrumentalist/engineer who has worked with major artists (The Wrecks, Ashley Parker Angel). I can quickly and efficiently add vocals and harmonies to your track, along with additional arrangements to sweeten your sound/mix. I've got great analog gear we can run your tracks through and my own studio for workflow
Mixing, production and mastering services. Sample replays for Mylo’s Destroy Rock & Roll album including “In My Arms”. Remix credits w/ Linus Loves on Number 1 singles by Justin Timberlake - “SexyBack” and Scissor Sisters - “I Don’t Feel Like Dancin”. Recent mixing clients include Pearl City and Ben Hayes.
Let me mix your song! You can go to any mix engineer but, it comes down to style. I have a great ear for breathtaking tracks. Aside from mixing I also make beats and one got a placement with an artist in LA. I have a passion for audio and I put my heart and soul into my work.
hmhmat همهمات
I'm a music producer from Monterrey Mexico. Currently specializing in reggaeton.
Masterize, mix your track with us. Specialized in Edm genre.
Recent Successes
"First time working with Direckt and it was smooth as can me . He was very prompt and professional and the mix sounds A1 . I will definitely be bringing my business back."
"Yuri’s attention to detail and great attitude make every mix experience a pleasure! His care to get it right and versatile skill is a valuable combination that helps makes the process enjoyable and effective."
"Gosteffects did a great job with the master of this song. He nailed the execution and the turn around was super fast. He really brought out the bass in the mix and made sure everything sat in the mix perfectly. 10/10 ..."
"Matheus has excellent abilities to deliver what the customer asks for. he values feedback and detailed communication to achieve the best results! "
"10/10. Rob and his assistant Kyle crushed it. Respect due. "
"I can confidently say that Ivy is one of the best vocalists I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Her voice is absolutely breathtaking, and her organization and communication skills make the whole process a breeze."
"Working with Max was an excellent experience. He adjusted perfectly to my indications and was very polite and considered with my situation. Highly recommended!!!!"
"It is always a pleasure to work with Yoad. He is very patient and helpful, and his work is always impeccable. If you are lucky enough to get the chance, I would highly recommend working with him! Thank you, Yoad! "
"I love working with Silke, where to start: Turnaround time: Quicker then the Flash Vocal Performance: I could say she is good, or great, but nah she has unparalleled vocals, if I was to compare her to artists global..."