Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Will Kobus
Let's make some lasting art! My name is Eli Froze! and I'm a hip hop and rap producer hailing from both PA and New York I specialize in the art of sampling-- more particularly in how I can use that to make alternative, abstract, boom bap, trap, and plugg type hip hop Message me for any questions! I'm here to make something beautiful with you
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Mike Zaffa, Bachelor in audio production @ SAE Institute Milan. I'm actually producin' in italian rap game as guitarist, engineer, songwriter and singer. My top skills: mix & master. I can give you my crossover flavour in your hip hop/rock/electronic project. FREE DEMO
R&B Artist, Producer, and Audio Engineer. Happy to help bring your music to life!
Music is everything
Music Producer and Certified Audio Engineer at "La Macina Sonora"
£10-£100 Beats!! Start Cheap! Build a Partnership with Me for Cheaper Beats!
Billboard award winning producer of 20+ years, credits include The Story So Far, Defeater, Counterparts, Citizen, State Champs, Transit, BANE, Title Fight.
Recent Successes
"Tom made the mastering of my entire EP. He helped me to get the absolute best out of every song! Tom is a nice and friendly audio engineer. His mastering is top notch. Highly recommended!!! - Philipp || Christavo"
"The most phenomenally awesome musical producer in the Universe is Chris Adams! He will lift your spirits to incredible heights of magnificence and make your dreams soar like a wave of wonder through the stars with his..."
"Kevin exceeded our expectations. Total pro. He's got an incredible ear, really found the right sonic space for parts that I couldn't EQ right in a million years. He was exactly what the song needed to cross the finish..."
"Nacho went above and beyond on this one. So great to work with!!"
"Aaron's a good dude. He's patient, professional, and overall easy to work with. He'll work with you to make sure you're both on the same page and do so until you're happy with the mix."
"Emma is a masterful vocal engineer and really understands what it takes to get a vocal to sound up to industry ratio standard. Highly recommend! "
"Robert is a genius at adding texture, depth, and visualization to you music ! "
"Big Jerm is the big cure for your track if it doesn't sound quite dope enough. Truly an honor to work with one of the hip-hop heavyweights and I guarantee you you won't be disappointed working with him."