Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wild Thing Records
Efficient Audio Engineering Maven. Let's put quality first!
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Hello. We are KLAB Songwriting Team!
Oh?? You need harmonies, background vocals, lyrics, some vocal additions to liven up your second verse? I got you.
A seasoned mixing engineer with over 5 years of experience.
I have been Producing Mixing and writing music for the best part of 15 years. I have credits with Andreya Triana, M.O, Mabel, Nyomi Gray, Kelli Leigh, Christina Novelli, Markus Schulz and more up and coming projects.
I can be your musical Swiss Army Knife.
I can create professional piano/keyboard/synth arrangements and parts by ear or with a simple chord chart and can also deliver a quick turnaround time (within 24 hours) if you need it.
Hi, I’m Dante, the founder of DSaudio and a passionate sound engineer with a degree from TECSON. I specialize in mixing, editing, and mastering, with a focus on delivering high-quality audio for artists and creators. In addition, I offer services as a session flutist, bringing my experience as a professional musician to enhance your projects.
I am a professional jazz musician, producer and mixer. I have my own hybrid studio in Barcelona (Spain) with top quality equipment. I also offer the option of online mixing and production
Recent Successes
"Chad has been more than a pleasure to work with, professional in every way. He was extremely fast and always available to communicate. If you want banger call Chad you won't be disappointed. "
"First time I've worked with Erika and she did not disappoint. Not even close. Took her a few days to deliver a set of crisp clear well balanced vocals for my track with high quality. A pleasure to work with :) Highly ..."
"Esta gente saca palo, sobre palo, sobre paloooo. realmente no trabajo con otro equipo desde que los conocí. siempre que nos juntamos el resultado es fuera de este planetaaaaa!"
"Dani's vocals are amazing. She took my melody and sang it like a pro. Fast turnaround with professional vocals are why I would recommend her for any project!"
"So professional. Helped me bring my song to life in the best way. I am thrilled and cant wait to do it again and again. "
"Edward is not only very talented on his work, but also a great professional. It was my first time working on a project like this so I was a little nervous about the communication. He was very polite, worked fast, and..."
"Muy buena disposición y forma de trabajo! - Very good disposition and way of work!"
"David is a world class audio editor. Always an amazing experience working with him."
"Excellent musician!! I highly recommend Brian Daniels."
"Sefi was WAY faster than I thought he would be as he had my track mastered in only a few days 😏👌 mastered my track for a reasonable amount of money considering how he's worked with some of the most popular musicians ..."