Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Whistler Lane
With a diversity of experience in genres from the expected to unexpected, Drew is a talented and intentional session musician specializing in creating sounds and moments that will elevate your songs.
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Recordings heard on national TV on The Young & the Restless and All My Children, Performances on Winner for Best Self-Produced CD from Cleveland Blues Society/Blues Foundation, Live Band Performance Winner: International Blues Challenge/Northeast Ohio Blues Society affiliate, Winner, Guitar Center's King of The Blues/Cerritos, CA store
Italian guy, specialized in mixing service and audio editing. My goal is to serve the Music!
Do you need Industry Radio Ready Sound? I've been at the professional level for 13 years and have worked in some of the world biggest studio. Over the years I've Been able to obtain tons of different plugin's that can shape your sound into the most crispiest clearest sound thats just beauty on the ears.
** I work with all Budgets** Quick Turnaround
No matter what style of music, you´re now in the right place for taking your music to the next step.
I make creative drumlines with high quality gears and won't quit till you are satisfied .
⭐ I specialize in crafting unforgettable toplines, delivering dynamic vocals, and weaving compelling narratives through songwriting ⭐
“Kristen makes singing look and sound effortless. Her tone is pure — smooth and energetic, but with incredible range. - Jennifer Truesdale COMO Magazine
Recent Successes
"Just completed 10th & most difficult song. Martin was heroic & made an amazing job of it. Thanks again for a splendid job!"
"This is my first experience with Arthur. The result exceeded my expectations. . Professionalism, creativity, erudition and courtesy of Arthur make working with him comfortable and exciting. He knows everything about ..."
"Just completed my fifth SoundBetter project with Kat (some of which included multiple songs), so this is my fifth review. At five stars per review, we're up to 25 stars. STILL NOT ENOUGH"
"Sarah provided exactly what my songs needed! She has a great ear for details, and works with the music to achieve what you want. Her communication was very fast and responsive, and made me feel prioritized. I am def..."
"Aaron really added an amazing depth and professional sound to my bedroom-produced-track . I really needed someone to glue it all together and he did wonders. I couldn't be happier with his service (and patience). Than..."
"Always a great experience working with Alessandro. Getting the right sound and feel seems so easy with him! Thank you"