Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Whispersinyahead
Credits: James Arthur, Leroy Sanchez. Sky Arts, Moschino, Chiara Ferragni etc.
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Picking up audio engineering via a hands on and DIY approach, I look forward to making each new project better than my previous and delivering top quality results to clients in a friendly and collaborative environment.
Ultragain is your online mastering audio tool, specialized for the artists who make electronic music. All work is processed in a studio by a professional specializing in electronic music.
Professional sounding Vocals and Dialogue.
Looking for a sound to call your own? I'm ready to provide you with the lush backtrack that'll turn heads and grow your audience. I founded Zenith Flare Records a few years back and have learned so much. I can help you with every step of the process—lyrics, melody writing, production, mixing, mastering, distribution, marketing, and even branding.
Unlock the next level of quality in your music! Mixing and editing is my main strength and I will make your song sound with clarity, depth, and punch at a very affordable price. With my experience from working with top artists like Alicia Villarreal and Kumbia Kings, I am ready to bring you the best quality.
I'm a producer/writer/mixing engineer in Los Angeles looking forward to getting your next project to its stand out life/vision.
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Full arrangements, beautifully crisp instrumentals, and genre fusing fun - this production company uses the highest quality samples, and live recordings to focus on providing your project the best track to fit your specific needs. Director Jake LaBar is an award winning digital composer, and musician - touring with groups internationally.
Recent Successes
"Very professional and outstanding."
"Daniel is a super creative dude who just took everything to the next level. I will definitley work with him again on future tracks. Great communication and really efficient."
"Chris is a consumate professional singer, that always delivers exceptional vocals and brings creativity and soulfulness to the project. Will definitely work with Chris again. "
"Emilio guitar's mesmerising. I just jaw dropped at his beautiful guitar. Thank so so much."
"If Soundbetter allows me to give 6 stars, I will give 7 stars with no hesitation. Alex is the creative producer for my project. We have done 2 tracks together and are in the process of another two tracks, and will con..."
"Just an absolute pleasure to work with! He was very open to our ideas and willing to give his input when we needed it. Definitely the most fun and best results Iv ever had! "
"Very happy with the mix and master! Really good communication. He took the time to answer my questions in detail."
"Joe is an AMAZING artist! He works with you until you are fully satisfied with the project! I will definitely work with him again in the near future. 100% recommended! "
"Steve is the greatest.. collaborate with him if you ever get the chance and I promise you will not regret it. This is my fourth time working with Steve so that speaks for itself. THANK YOU STEVE. "