Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with When n' Where?
Lets make music in your image but with a little help from me.
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Hello, my name is Roman, I am music producer from Irkutsk
We offer very low rates to artists of all kinds. Specializing in jazz/funk/hip-hop/trap/R&B.
I’m a professional English and Spanish vocalist with 19 years of experience singing and recording and currently working as the backup singer to Top Latin Singer NICKY JAM. Due to my long experience as a singer in crossover bands, I have a versatile voice that fits almost any genre.
If you need a song worth your money im your guy. dont judge a book by its cover feel me.
401(K) Consultant https://401kisc.com/tag/401k-consultant/ At KISC, we refer to Nudges as a KIS. We even take the liberty to implement what we like to call libertarian materialism plan design.
I'm a music producer on japan. I make a song of pop ,future bass, Melodic Dubstep.
Certified Apple Digital Master and Dolby Atmos mixer.
+17 M views accumulated on Spotify as a Singer +75 M vis Accumulated on Spotify accumulated in compositions of other singers
Recent Successes
"Sharp tracks, creative musical approach, delivered on time, great guy to work with."
"Nacho is a really talented singer with great vocal range! He works until you are satisfied with the final delivery! Looking forward to working with him again :-) "
"This was my first time having a track mixed by an engineer and Mr. Stenzel made it an easy and effective experience. His communication was consistent and timely. He did exactly what I asked for in the mix while also i..."
"Simply AMAZING experience working with an AMAZING professional ! Ziv provided me a high quality acoustic guitar track under big pressure and I really enjoyed working with him! Looking forward to work with him again!..."
"Amazing as always! Pleasure to work with, great talent! Til next time! "
"Kerry was such a pleasure to work with! She was so knowledgeable, kind and really brought my song to life💖 I’m honestly blown away by how beautifully she plays. So appreciative."
"As James Brown as the hardest working man in the business… Larry is the hardest and fastest working man in the business of percussion!!! Larry is part of my “musical” family now… and my “go to” #1 percussion player! H..."
"Awesome player super talented !"