Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wez King
Available for Music creativity, Sound design, Post-production, Mixing services, DAW lessons and professional Audio work.
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My name is Binzer, and I've been playing drums professionally for over 20 years. I have a wealth of studio and live experience and have worked with some great artists including The Frames, Gemma Hayes, Bell X1 and The Waterboys to name a few.I run a professional online drum tracking service, please visit www.binzerondrums.com for more info.
I'm an Italian singer, poly-instrumentalist, sound engineer and producer. If you want to better understand how I work, it would be helpful if you watch (and listen) one of my video on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/user/RedOfficialMusic
Dynamic songwriter, vocalist, and recording artist of 10+ years with experience in sync, pop topline, and more.
Music is all about emotion. My goal is to take your song to it's full potential by concentrating on the feeling you are trying to evoke to your fans. Mixing can be a transformative process for a song, and I want to explore with you where we can take your music by combining our talents. Keep making music! Listen to spoti.fi/2SWxVwI
I work in Vape UAE as a designer. Our company is best for its outstanding and high-quality vape products.
Working to help get a lot of great new artists professional mixing in their songs as well as be someone to help them with any production need. From making them instrumental tracks from scratch to just helping with something you have already created.
Recent Successes
"Justin took a work tape of mine and turned it into a great pop country demo. Justin was easy to work with with a great turnaround time and professional final product. I will be reaching out to him again for sure."
"5 stars isn’t enough here. Naomi was very responsive, helpful, kind, and did an incredible job on my song with a very fast turnaround. She has an incredible voice, and ear for music, and is an exceptional talent all a..."
"This time I needed a full topline for one of my new projects and I asked Sara to write it and compose the vocal melody. Once again she delivered an amazing result, I am more than happy with it and I can really recomme..."
"Kevin, Was great to work with. He hit it on the head right out the gate and was fast and reliable. Super creative and knows what he is doing. I am extremely excited to continue to work on other music. Couldn't be more..."
"For our first project working together, Gabriele did a professional and amazing job, couldn't ask for more. Not only does he respond to all the messages quickly and to the point, the level of professionalism when it c..."
"Jayy Starr is a STAR. Product she delivered was EXCELLENT, creative and fun, and the turn around time was INCREDIBLE. Could not recommend more, book now."
"Vic is your next mix engineer for sure! He understands the vision for the song perfectly and delivers top quality! "
"Creative, easy to work with! Fast delivery too!"