Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Westone Music Group
Spanish artist, topliner and songwriter living in London
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Hi, my names Will, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Birmingham UK, I am the lead vocalist of the band Light The Skies and I've been working with the band for 3 years, I am currently seeking to help songwriters and producers so they have a voice to work with.
736 Studio is the most affordable studio you'll find in NJ for the quality offered, and will offer a free recording session so you can test out to see if you like the studio. If you don't like it you can walk away any time, and if you do like it we can talk about payment for mixing and mastering as well as recording more songs!
I am an amazing vocalist with experience singing in a variety of different styles such as classic rock, R&B, alternative, pop, folk, and more!
Producer, Songwriter, Mixing/Mastering Engineer, and Guitarist. Studied Music at New York University and worked for various Labels, Studios, and Artists in New York City for last 12 years.
⭐PRO MIX & MASTERING ⭐ Whether you are looking to enhance the clarity, balance, or impact of your tracks, my goal is to help you achieve the best possible sound for your music. My goal is for my clients to be 100% happy with the result.
Clean! Warm! Loud! Skilled in Hip Hop, Trap and Urban sound.
Electronic music producer with 4 years of commercial releasing experience and more than one million streams under my artist identity on Spotify. My specialization is to create emotions that deeply connect with the listener. Since 2023 I shifted my focus on creating music for advertisement campaigns or signature brand identities.
Recent Successes
"Andrew is an amazing singer. He also works extremely fast. We hardly had to give him any indications before he provided us with the vocal, and it was perfect! We were very impressed and highly recommend him!"
"Bruce completely delivered! He has great songwriting/topline skills, with an awesome voice. He wrote exactly as I described, with the ability to complete the task at hand in just a few hours. Bruce, thank you for shar..."
"It was a pleasure working with Refugee. He understood immediately the sound and feel I was going for and perfectly executed the track. I can’t wait to work on another with him!"
"Was incredible working with Joey, super talented song writer and singer that will take your song to the next level with ease. Was a pleasure working with him and will definitely work with him on future projects. Qua..."
" This is the first time I try this and by god I love it. Arlis Albritton has made the perfect text for me, he has hit the spot with the text and everything has gone so well all the way. I can definitely recommend Arli..."
"Alex works with you through every step to ensure that you leave with a mastered record that you're confident about! Will definitely be working with him again."
"Marco is a legend. Super easy to talk to and communicate with. His work is top tier. Made me feel at ease that my track was in good hands. Will 100% be working with him again."
"Simon got Midas touch, he knows exactly what he is doing and is really kind and approachable. Really communicative and a nice human. I am ecstatic to have found such a talented producer on Soundbeter. Would surely wor..."
"A wonderful musician and producer!"