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Western Cape Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Worked as an audio engineer at Medusa Estudio in Barcelona
I will make your music play at the top
Mixing, editing, recording, vocals
Clean mix, professional mastering and awsome beats
The first song I wrote completely got radio play on multiple local Chicago stations. I write music that will leave people subconsciously singing it. I specialize in Pop, R&B, and Hip-Hop.
Lifelong Singer and lyrics composer from Germany. I love to sing and make up vocal melodies and lyrics on beats from different producers. If you need someone to work with you on a pop or rnb peace let me know.
I write based on what type of flow/melody the client wants their music to follow and a theme. I will lyricize your feelings. I'm an expert in hook/bridge development, progression and transition (lyric wise). I'm good at finding any kind of inspiration or turning the clients' inspiration into a work of art that your listeners will love and relate to
Breathing life into sounds, as a dedicated mixing engineer I sculpt audio to your needs. My console is my sword and the mix is my shield. I turn your vision into sonic gold, whether you're looking for a pristine, radio-ready sound or a raw, organic mix. Just simply hit me up and let's start working on your dreams!
Recent Successes
"Работать с Филиппом одно удовольствие! Его подход к каждому проекту очень креативен. Создали несколько треков которые очень нравятся моей аудитории. Рекомендую для сотрудничества!"
"A singer radiating purpose and euphoria. "
"I’m STILL so thankful to have found Austin after all these years! We work so well together & it has a lot to do with his patience and talent. Thank you for everything Austin, can’t wait to start the next job! 🙏🏼"
"Fred mastered a song for me and also checked some mixing issues, which was really nice of him. He is great at his job and made sure all my requests gets done. Will definitely work with him in the future!"
"It's working with guys like Alex that keeps me in this business- Great sound, attention to detail, easy communication, let's keep it going!"
"Wery talented vocalist!"
"This project has been a wonderful experience. João is a remarkable talent and helped elevate my track with his creativity and ingenuity. Already looking forward to the next time!"