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West indies islands Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am Amner, 33 years old. I´have been playing guitar since 13 years old and started as a serious audio engineer in 2013 even though i had some insight back in 2008, i have a recording studio and you can check out all of my work at: www.youtube.com/amnerhunter and this is my website: www.amnerhunter I'd love to serve you
Hi, I'm Greg & I am a multi-instrumentist, arranger & producer. I am all you need in a single human being !
Crazy beat makers (Apex and eNVee) who can make any type of beat with precision. Beats with International Sound and a Unique feel every time.
≡ I am this producer you have been looking for since a long time ≡
My vocals have featured on a theme tune for a prime time TV programme in New Zealand written by Ben King (NZ). Also I am co-writer for Ben Barter (Lorde's drummer) Simon Latarche (Jazz composer/pianist) Ben Morgan (No Sheet Music Publishing)
make Electronic music with sound packs recorded via the android application
I provide professional drum tracks recorded in a treated studio with top-of-the-line equipment. You will get clear communication and fast turnaround times in a wide variety of styles, from Jazz and Big Band to Rock, Pop, Soul, Folk, and more!
Recent Successes
"I can always count on Sue for her outstanding sound engineering skills. I’ve never mentioned this to Sue (or her guitarist partner Rob), but before I initially contacted them, I did a pretty deep dive into their music..."
"Wow! Unbelievable! This seller is a bonafide star in every respect! Truly inspired lyrics, magnificent music, and a friendly yet fully professional experience! This seller creates 10-star results! No joke! Words fail ..."
"Yaron was so quick to respond and easy to work with. He exceeded my expectations and was just an overall wonderful person to work with. I would highly recommend him. I hope I get the opportunity to work with him again."
"This is my second song with Charlie and he totally delivered everything I wanted! Collaborating with him on different sounds / mixes is a breeze as he's super willing to chat about the needs of the song and to bounce ..."
"To work with Aaron was an absolute blast. He gave me feedback on the mixed tracks I sent him, before he mastered them - what a nice thing to offer from him! He's really listening to the tracks & gave 100% - he wants y..."
"Jeff is the real deal. As an independent, growing artist (~20k monthly listeners on Spoti) that produces his own songs, it’s a challenge to budget for consistent releases that are also high quality sonically. In Jeff,..."