Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Werfol
At PRV, I specialize in sound engineering for electronic music. I offer mastering to refine your tracks, stem-mastering for precise adjustments, and advanced mixing for complex projects. Need a full production? I’ll take your ideas from concept to completion. I also provide consultation sessions for insights on your sound.
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Keyboard & Guitar Overdubs / Co-writing / Mixing / Online Tuition and Mentoring.
Hello! I am a songwriter, guitarist, vocalist, and post production engineer/artist! I have been working on reputation with clients across the country and have grown very passionate about mixing and mastering peoples' music. I find it very rewarding to extract all the emotion from a song and achieve natural balance, polish, and vibe.
[Profile] Since 2002, started my career as a "musical instrument instructor / bridal player". I also do work of studio musicians. I sell sheet music & CD on the Internet. [Music history] Saxophone (1995 -) Composer (2002 -) WEB production (2002 -) YouTube (2006 -) Classic in basic, I also played Rock · Pop · Jazz · Funk.
More than 20 years of studio experience, having played on hundreds of tracks recorded both in my native Brazil and in the US. Doing remote sessions since relocating to LA in 2010. My mission is to provide tracks of the utmost quality, always respecting and honoring the artists' vision.
Lush, Rich vocals, harmonies and Songwriting from an Experienced, Full-time Pro NYC Vocalist.
Need some killer? Need some memorable lyrics? Want your song to stand out? Your songs just not sounding quite right yet? - Professional, qualified, highly experienced songwriter at your service!
I'm a Vocalist & Songwriter who sings professionally with the a cappella group, Backtrack Vocals. I work in a variety of genres including Pop, R&B, Musical Theater and Folk. I love to collaborate, and I am excited to bring your vision to life!
Are you looking forward to being the next Star I’ve have new ideas & lyrics to work towards your goals & dreams
Recent Successes
"Professional, very talented and friendly. I will be hoping to employ Esof Records for future projects. "
"Drew adds a nice sound to vocals... He works fast and sounds really good. Nice to work with. - Thank You Drew. "
"Carlos has delivered, once again, an incredible Master for one of my projects, no corrections needed. I fully trust him with every project I do. Very professional, he perfectly understood what I needed. "
"Amazing songwriter & Singer ! enjoyed every step in our collaboration."
"This is definitely an amazing work. It gave the track a wide and loud sound that I couldn't get before and the conversation back and ford between us was fast and clear. "
"Magical .... Mark is a pro "
"Among the most talented artists I have had the honor to work with."
"Klaas is very professional. He really brings your song to life. My mix lacked some depth and character but Klaas succeeded in polishing the sound in such a way that you can easily use his mix for an official release a..."
"Gal laid down some tasty drums for my song and worked with me to get it just right. Thanks Gal."
""It was great to work with Jaki! When we wanted a specific vocal style and gave an example of a well-known singer, Jaki was able to adjust his voice according to our wishes, and we even received different variations f..."