Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with wanavokali
I am an experienced mix engineer with over a decade of shaping sound and refining music across live and studio environments. I have a proven track record working with artists, studios, and live events, I bring precision, creativity, and technical expertise to every project, ensuring the music not only sounds great but feels alive.
My motto is #StrictlyGoodMusic! I am a music producer, mixing and mastering engineer. I have worked with seasoned Kenyan talents the likes of Kipsang, Ayrosh and Serro. My network includes excellent producers such as Waithaka Ent., Mutoriah and Giggz. One of my recent notable audio post production credits is the 2020 album Kuwe by Serro.
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A classically trained musician that specializes in sound engineering; walking down an endless road in search of the ultimate sonic experience.
Hi, I'm Nathan Scott, a ProTools certified operator with 4 yrs. of music production experience. I've had the privilege of working alongside Brady Kerr, one of the only ProTools certified experts in the world, recording, mixing & mastering hundreds of tracks and an album. I've released 4 self-produced EP's and have produced a wide variety of genres.
One Of The In House Engineers In The Bay Area
Former house engineer at Pogo Studio and current house engineer at Earth Analog. Relentless pursuit of getting the most out of every track that comes my way...from analog warmth and vibe, to digital clarity and sizzle, I take pride in making my clients happy. Certified for Apple Digital Masters, Dolby Atmos, and Audio Engineering Society member.
I'm a sound engineer from Milan, Italy. I've worked in professional recording studios with clients ranging from classic rock bands to solo artists, and I'm a musicians myself so i feel completely at home working with them and understanding their needs. In addition to studio time I've also worked as field recordist for media production agencies.
Keyboardist, Composer, Arranger, Producer, Mix and Mastering Services. A very wide experience of making Backing tracks. Official Kurzweil Artist since 2020.
Seasoned vocalist, songwriter and arranger. Specialize in pop, R&B, soul, and EDM vocal styles.
I am a Kenyan Mixing Engineer, and Producer based in Nairobi, Kenya. I have a lot of experience working with Pop, Afro Beats, and Hip Hop artists, my credits include collaborations with Alisha Popat, Ayrosh, Hypemom, Oksyde, The Mumbua, Lness, Nafsi Huru, Elisha Elai, Dan Rei, Wendy Kay, Ythera [Wanavokali], Kayvo Kforce and more.
Recent Successes
"I hit Micah up for mastering on my new single (an indie pop / synth style track). The results were impressive. He breathed life in to the duller parts of my mix using an artist of my choosing for reference. That extra..."
"I’m the luckiest artist to find Kornel and his ability to be so incredible with the music production! He gets you, your taste and what you looking for. I’m a musician whole loves to work on music and arrangements p..."
"Mariami was amazing! Super talented and amazing to work with. Will definitely be using her again for future projects and highly recommend if your looking for a talented vocalist! "
"Tha Heaven was great to work with. Very patient and gave me the exact sound I was looking for!! Defiantly will work with again, real soon!!"
"A master of what he does. He returned perfect strings and took a great deal of time to make them exactly how I wanted. Just amazing! Thanks man!!!! "
"I just finish my first song with Simon, and he understood my vision and delivered my project in a beautiful way. He brought out the feel I was looking for, and did it with ease. I would definitely recommend him to any..."
"Rory crushed it on our latest track, very happy with the job he did! Highly recommend him!"