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Wallingford OX10 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Our names are Trevin and Leo and we are a brother hip hop/r&b/pop brother duo based out of Nashville TN. We been together for over 6 years and love every minute of it. With our unique blend of rapping and singing its like getting two for the price of one with a limitless range of dynamics, diversity and style.
https://www.instagram.com/rick_dope_music/ https://www.beatstars.com/rickdopebeats/feed
Hi, we are a group of producer that have been in the industry for almst 6 years, we have a lot of music released world wide by big label and get supported by many big names such as Hardwell etc, we are also have 1M total streaming on spotify and have 70k+ listener monthly. by times going a lot of artist ask us to do ghost producing, and that was on
A versatile songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and mix engineer with experience in multiple genres.
Hi there !! I'm a musician / Songwriter / Music Producer / Sound Engenieer . I'm From Iran and Try to make some money with your help :D 13 of being musician and 4 years of Music Production and Mixing / Mastering so you can trust me ...
Sound like a pro, without necessarily being one; I can make that happen listening only a demo of your song. Send me your video singing your tune and let me arrange it for you, maintaining your essence by listening your proposals. I want to share my creativity with yours and make your musical ideas achieve the next level. Give the step.
Writer, rapper and entrepreneur from Chicago with over 20 years of experience writing rap lyrics and creating hip hop melodies.
New Audio Engineer, recipient of the Best Mixing Award twice from the Musicians Institute.
Recent Successes
"Perfect ! As usual !"
"Drew is the definition of PRO - fast, reliable and always with excellent performance and audio quality."
"Luigi was extremely professional in his communication with me and was able to create an 80's style track that perfectly matched the theme of my game. Quality of work was excellent. Look forward to working with him in ..."
"Aside from being a violin virtuoso, Oleg was prompt and clear in his communications, and generous in his bid. He went above and beyond with this piece. Highly recommend."
"Great Mastering as usual. I know my mastering is in good hands with Carlo. Thank you again. "
"This was the second time that I hired Paul. He is a brilliant mix engineer whose work on both projects of mine was excellent! For this most recent project (as with the prior one), each instrument & vocal part sits in ..."
"Amazing talent all styles and gives you the best session you could imagine , Fede is my bass player I look no where else ."