Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vocals used in Film & TV Shows - The Young and the Restless - Joan of Arcadia - Dawson's Creek - Party of Five - Hallmark - Great American Family - Lifetime
Pop Vocalist in the vein of Taylor Swift and Sheryl Crow. Pop vocals with a hint of Americana/Folk-Rock edge. Warm and inviting sound!
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Músico, Compositor, Y Cántate Independiente
Steve’s been working in the music industry as a session guitar-player for over a decade! After an early breakthrough with the band, No Hope In New Jersey, who released their debut album in 2005 on Atlantic Records, Steve’s spent many years performing as a live-musician for various artists throughout the UK and Europe!
Rockaz Elements - In time, Mr Easy - Nah nut style, Shatta Wale - Dancehall Girl, Vicious Ire - Thank you Father, Pzed and Chezidek - Cover me and many more
At Everoise we dedicate ourselves to Sound Styling. With an eye for style, creativity and a strong opinion, we are striving to increase the impact of brands by tailored sound styling. Our works have been used by We work as a collective of established and competent composers who truly understand the craft of composing.
Singing and songwriting is my passion and I would love nothing more than to help bring your track to life!
Hi! My name is Coen Sosa, I’m a producer/ mixing engineer based out of LA. My goal as a producer and mixer is to realize YOUR vision by incorporating your influences and artistic direction into creating a song that you love.
Hey there! I am James. I produce my own tracks under the name of Uncle Jimbo. I am a final year student studying music production and business in Utrecht, the Netherlands and I am aspiring to do this music thing full-time and make a career out of this!
Get great mixes for your tracks! From working live sound to studio sessions, I've helped a lot of bands and musicians get great mixes for their recordings.
Recent Successes
"Emilio is an exceptionally talented and creative musician, writer and producer. In addition to those duties on this song, he provided and excellent vocal performance/guide. He has an inspired, unwavering and untirin..."
"Super Arbeit mit Eric! Schnelle und professionelle Rückmeldungen + ein geniales Resultat. Dankeschön. :)"
"It is really satisfying working with her. Professional, perfect with timing and able to understand my needs and concerns! 100% satisfied"
"my go to mixer for sure!! quality as well as great response time!!"
"I just did another music promo project with walkerdunnvisuals and super happy with his work (again). I asked for an animated music cover (for the IG story and feed) to announce the release of my new single. All I sent..."
"I had really high expectations seeing Timothy's back catalogue, but was still absolutely blown away with his playing/tone/feel as well as enthusiasm and encouragement. 10/10 experience - look forward to many more"
"Third time using Mark. The different specified versions of master help to get the most out of the song for each use case and it's extremely useful. "
"Jade is a true professional, she exactly knows how to turn your idea into something great. 100/100, will work with her again for sure!"
"Leo Leo Leo. An artists dream! Any song, any vision a songwriter has, becomes a reality after Leo has put his touch on the process. Thank you Leo."