Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with VIVA!(RU)
The most valuable thing in our business is an IDEA. It all starts with idea. Your ideas are priceless, so it is crucial to have the right players in your team! I am Roman. I am 40. With almost 25 years of audio expertise - ready to rock on your upcoming project :)
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Hello, my name is Nambo and I'm Producer/Mixer/Engineer/Songwriter. I Produce Pop and Electronic music and anything with a soul! I love challenges! Tell me about your project I would love to help. https://soundcloud.com/user-666358020
over 30+ years production experience with high profile production teams. My Label - https://www.anirhythmrecords.com Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5eVKJZM5fVtN1hUSRaqBLi
20 years of experience in music, 10 years in studio. Workig as a Producer, arranger, musician and audio engineer. Most of my work I get from solo artists, writing the arrangements, recording instruments, etc. Also work with many bands, directing them and trying to get the best from the music they bring. Have done some online mixing and mastering.
Omar Meho is an artist from the United Kingdom. He is a Label Owner, Music Production/ DJ Teacher, Mastering Engineer and International Resident in Ibiza, France, U.K & Dubai. He has played in some of the biggest clubs in the U.K Including Egg LDN, Fabric, The Arch, The Cause & Much more. He has played festivals in front of 12,500 people.
Want to release complicated or hard songs with acoustic drums? I will be your hired-gun for pieces of bigband, latin, fusion-jazz, rock, pop or any kind of music!
2soma x Arafat - Emerazu Zix - Izolovan
Recent Successes
"Thanks Shaley for yet another great vocal on a track - you always bring the magic!!! great to work with so professional and talented..the topline was great as were the Ad Libs and BVs...you *Diva* you!"
"Really nice to work with Austin. I like his masterings a lot!! Until the next time. CU, Elen"
"Sissy did a fantastic job! She delivered high quality vocals and look forward to working with her again!"
"It's hard to find a female vocalist that can produce quality recordings and knows to stick to the work plan submitted. Philana took the time to understand the work required and delivered a flawless first submission. I..."
"The best horns I've ever worked with, simply the best. Great sounding recording as always, great skill, great ideas and really efficient with good communications. Producing and mixing a track with Ben & Ale's horns is..."
"The best, the best, the BEST! No really though, what more needs to be said? Expert mix, done quickly and a wealth of info and guidance. 2nd song with Brian, Highly recommended. "