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Trained in US, used to teach many years at the sound engineering department at Musicians Institute in Hollywood, CA, after working actively with Steve Vai and Paul Gilbert, I've been doing intense activity across the world of seminar/workshop, audio consultations and mixing gigs.
I am a professional music producer, sound engineer and sound designer based in Athens Greece.
Composer, Guitarist, Producer.
Professional Drummer for Pop/Punk, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, and Contemporary Christian Music. Even if you have music outside of these genres, I am able to come up with the perfect ideas to elevate your music to greater heights! I work fast and efficient, you will have plenty of options per session and I'm very flexible!
Driven Limo offers you the best limo car service in New York city, Long Island and Connecticut. Our company provides all types of luxurious cars including SUV and Luxury Sedan. No matter whether you are at JFK airport and you are looking for a car service to travel to Manhattan or Queens,
As a dedicated professional with a deep love for music, I am genuinely invested in your success. I believe that every song has the power to touch souls, and I am here to help you unlock that.
I am a full-time audio engineer, music producer, and sound designer with 5 years of experience. During my journey, I have worked with hundreds of artists (labels or indie), across multiple music genres like rap, hip-hop, rnb, pop, rock...
Let me help you create the perfect guitar parts or complete production to your song!
Recent Successes
"Coenie did an excellent job on my track, vocals sound exactly how I imagined. Every email he sent me I could picture him smiling. "
"I asked Je to re-write and sing a rap part for one of my pop songs.I have used Je's services several times and, as usual, he has responded quickly, has been very flexible and has delivered the recordings with the high..."
"I enjoyed working with Alex, and am grateful for our creative collaboration. He's a highly skilled mastering professional, he's upbeat, and he cares deeply. "
"Luke is the best, so talented!! He is so quick, and always delivers top quality tracks. He arranged a string quartet for my Motown style song and did such a great job. Can't wait to work with Luke again. "
"Success .. everyone has their version of success. For me and Anthony, it is the people you meet along the way. We feel blessed and richer by this beautiful man. Our highest recommendation . Music needs vocals and Ric..."