Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Via Holland
Music Production Studio; Mixing and Mastering; Recording and Developing Artists and Bands; Current acts and credits include, Via Holland, The Cinematic’s, Luxury Goods, and Bungalow. Helping the artists produce high quality recordings.
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Studied Music Production in Tecnológico de Monterrey. Studied with Mastering Engineer, Allan Tucker.
Hey! I am a Pop Producer based out of Nashville,TN. If you have any ideas or songs to be brought to life let's start today!
I graduated from Paul McCartney's Institute For Performing Arts with a degree in songwriting and production and have worked in various genres and with people from across the world. One of my productions and mixes made it onto Spotify's New Music Friday playlist as well as 2 other editorial playlists.
Having sung at the world's most prestigious venues (The Metropolitan Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Opera Saint Louis and many more) Gillian's classically trained voice will astound you with it's power, beauty, range and flexibility. Working now as a crossover artist, Gillian can provide the vocals you need for your crossover, jazz, or classical hits.
A learning student! Working on my own music and with lots of other artists to bring out their individual sounds.
I'm Gonzalo Cavalli from Buenos Aires. I'm a DJ, Producer, Mixer and Sound Design Expert.
I'm a versatile sound designer, musician, audio tech, editor and music producer with a strong passion for creating immersive audio experiences across various media. With expertise in crafting unique, moving and touching sound waves with various instruments, such as: Guitars, bass, percussion, synths and electronic instruments.
Recent Successes
"Lená was an absolute pleasure to work with a top notch professional through in through and blessed with the voice of a angel. I highly recommend Lená to the fullest!"
"Ashea is a strong artist with a command of tone and an ability to hear the vision of another artist and help make it possible. My advise is to let her do her magic on the tune and not limit her. You'll be very happy!"
"Thomas absolutley nailed it. I gave him such a tight timeline, and he came through with three rounds of revisions and a free master in the time specified to get back the first revision. He goes above and beyond with..."
"Gerard is my favorite mix engineer on sound better. I’ve used many but he’s become the only one that I use now."
"Outstanding experience as always! I LOVE the smooth vocals that Diana delivers…they elevate every single one of my songs! She is so talented and has a great range. Plan to do many more in the future!"
"Mike was amazing. He was an excellent communicator and turned around my project on a very tight last minute deadline. He nailed the part on the first take and delivered high quality files. Highly recommended. "
"Luis is an acclaimed and established producer, having worked with some of the greats. He can mix and master anything, from rock to folk and cumbia to tecno. I recomend 10/10 Luis es un productor aclamado y establ..."