Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with VI Infection
Sound engineer looking for projects
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I am a professional music producer, composer, musician, and performer. Let's collaborate to make your projects shine !!
I will compose your next hit. My mission is to deliver pristine quality work and artistry to songwriters & musicians alike.
I would love to help make your music better in every way. Songwriting, Production, the Mix...it all matters. It's my passion to work with artists. It's what I do day in and day out.
I am a musician with experience in studio, production and concerts around the world. I love helping artists achieve their vision. For me the most important thing is the music, the vibe, the sound and the truth.
Get you music professionally mixed and mastered by a PRO with more than 10 years experience in everything rock, pop rock and country rock Over 100 songs mixed and mastered can't lie. Listen to some audio examples and decide by yourself.
Up and coming recording artist, who specializes in conceptual lyrical art & is currently building an extensive track record within the Atlanta music scene.
First revision guaranteed within 24 hours - quick and affordable professional-grade work! Seasoned mixing/mastering engineer and producer based in Atlanta. Experience collaborating with underground artists/producers of various genres (rap, trap, hip/hop, old school, R&B, etc).
Pop, rock, hiphop… remote production and mixing.
Recent Successes
"Yoed is the best! This is my second review for Yoed- he did such an amazing job with the first song that I sent him a second song right after. He has a great ear and can adapt to various genres. Also, he's very fast..."
"Hypersia is a dream to work with because his professionalism excels to the highest. I right away could tell from his 1st message that he cares about my project and he continued showing that to me always. He is a true ..."
"Fantastic master yet again! Carlo is awesome!"
"Another wonderful job!"
"Andres made great masters, and helped me by providing coaching on each song to make sure the songs were ready in the mix phase beforehand. Highly recommend!"
"Andres ist der beste Masterer, den ich kenne. Er ist kompetent, mastert stilgerecht, ist super nett und zuverlässig. "
"Great work comes from Chris!"
"This is my second time working with Kevin... and I hope to do so many more times. Just a pleasure... he feels like a partner and not just someone knocking out a job. He definitely gave his all to my little project and..."