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Vellore Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, I´m a session guitarrist based in Germany with 25 years experience in various styles live and studio. And I´m looking forward to play the best fitting tracks for your song! Check my advertisement!
Hi, I make music.
I have written songs for many people and am looking to work with and help anyone who needs it.
Experienced industry professional that focuses on timeless productions and groundbreaking content.
Multi genre electronic music producer and remixer based out of Atlanta, GA.
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I am an experienced guitar player
Recent Successes
"Amazing pianist. I actually got chills when he sent me what he created. Very talented a pays a lot of attention to making sure you are satisfied with the final product. "
"I sent Be a track with way too many reverbs, phasers, delays and off kilter vocals - he sent me a perfectly mixed song, well balanced, intuitively focused the vibe of the song. Highly recommend. "
"Had an AWESOME experience working with Mark! He is such a pro, great at communicating, super talented, and fun to work with. He was able to translate what I had envisioned into the music he created, added his own flav..."
"Amazing guitarist. "
"Really Talented guy, is a pleasure to work with Bastien!"
"Noah did for me a remake of a song close to the original and a remix in a different style. Both are brilliant ! Noah is very professional and has always nice ideas. Looking forward to working with him again !"
"Excellent master with outstanding clarity that also substantially improved the mix. My only critique is that it's slightly quiet, but still competitive. If I had done some things better at the mixing phase I probably ..."