Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vassel
Responsability, good audio and commitment to music.
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I've got a knack for harmonies with my smokey, powerful voice. I sing background and lead vocals, and also play rhythm guitar. I've toured regionally with both original and cover groups, and am ready to record your next project!
Professional in Sound Engineering and Music Business for 10 years
Experienced singer/songwriter who will provide professional, high quality vocals for any music project.
Professional engineer for over 10 years. Have mixed well over 100 projects.
Responsability, good audio and commitment to music.
I will play some killer drums on your track! I specialize in rock, metal and progressive music. I am also comfortable playing any kind of twisted convoluted time signatures you may playing!
I specialize in delivering performances for metalcore, modern progressive metal and modern death metal genres. My vocal style is at its best when it comes to aggressive techniques such as screaming, growling, and shouting.
Spatial Music Master! Production and Mixing your tracks for a total ATMOS experience
Recent Successes
"Our music is important to us. I chose Brent because of his impressive, verified music credits & it was an excellent choice! Working with Brent is: a complete pleasure, a professional experience with a quick turnaround..."
"This is the third track of mine on which Anna has recorded in the space of one month. I cannot imagine a better creative partner with better musical and production instincts. Great communicator. Clearly someone for wh..."
"Always professional and amazing , always ! "
"Great voice and ideas! Hope to work together again in the future."
"Eric helped me get out of a bind in no time. Like he says himself, he's not the cheapest, but his wealth of knowledge seems to be the result of a lifetime of data collection, and he can hit the nail on the head like n..."
"ASHLEY was the BEST! She really brought our record to life. She's very professional and delivered quality product in the timeframe posted.I would definitely use again!! THANK YOU ASHLEY!"
"This was my first project with Bruce but it won't be my last. As I told him, I don't think Kenny Baker and Bill Monroe themselves would've done a better job. And I don't! Bruce's playing was completely in the service ..."