Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vader II.0
PROVIDE A MODERN AND MASIVE SOUND. Pop-Punk, Punk-Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Metalcore, Deathcore, dJent.
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Hi! Im Axe Follin, Music Producer and Songwritter from Argentina.Indie releases counting up to 4,5million+ plays on streaming platforms.Worked with mayor labels such as Warner Chappel, Universal and Sony. Placing songs in Films and Popular and Tv shows. Main genres are Pop, R&B and Urban music.
Our mission from concept development to real-world applications is to strive to create, innovative and thought-provoking work, merging meaningful experiences between people, processes, and technology. If you’re looking for music, remixes, graphic or sound designs to engage a memorable and evocative experience, specializing in any theme requested.
The UFO of the musical world!
Christian Hernandez is a multi talented engineer/producer/songwriter from California with a diehard love for the technical and non- technical side of music. With a dedication to polishing sounds to the maximum, My main goal is to maintain and bring the clients vision to life.
Best reverb or slowed beat drops. Also i do collabs with other big producers to bring the beat for the artist
Hi there, if you need to take a big leap in your music and make your projects go from demo to a professional sound, I offer you my post-production and mixing service along my advice at all time.
Texture, feel, emotion, & propulsion—this is what I think about when I play. Currently playing w/ Bow Wow Wow, Broken Sound, Nine Mile Station. My primary genres of music are Rock (Power-Pop, Goth, Post-Punk, Alternative, etc.), Blues, Americana, Funk and Country.
As a versatile producer and mixing engineer, I bring over 7 years of experience working across rock, indie, folk, and alternative genres. My approach blends technical precision with creative vision, ensuring every project sounds polished and authentic. Whether you're crafting a hit or refining your sound, I’m here to help bring your music to life
Recent Successes
"Tempo is very professional and extremely talented. He basically took my song to another level, the vocals sound amazing! I highly recommend working with him."
"BrainStamp Music was great to work with. Very talented, cooperative, and professional.. I would recommend their services to other musicians and hope to use them again myself, in the future. "
"Austin is such a talented mixing engineer. He respected the brief perfectly and accepted to make many revisions. I was always quick to reply. I will definitely collaborate with him again."
"This is my second time working with John, and I can’t state this enough; he is the best of the best. It’s so much fun to go through the creative process with John, and the tracks he makes are wicked awesome and top no..."
"Perhaps not such an easy task this one - as before I asked for Guitars from Ziv, it was already a very full ballad with 'lots going on' I was concerned guitars may overload the track. But Ziv and I discussed what s..."
"She is very professional, but above all TALENTED. Her voice is absolutely amazing. We would love to work with her again. Thanks again Karen!! Mr Anderson Listen Stupid"
"I'm always satisfied!! wont go any where else for my mastering needs"
"Great communication, despite us being in different continents! Exceeded my expectations by providing links to all takes to enable me to put together the best mix. Both gifted and creative - came up with some great har..."
"Loved working with Anna. Very friendly, communicative and an overall brilliant singer/songwriter. Highly recommended!"