Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Une Femme Mariée
If you need to take your songs further, I will put all my passion and experience at your service.
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Hello, my name is Iago Blanco. I opened Drum&Roll Studios back in 2010 before years of freelance working in many studios and projects. Here is where I've been working as producer and mixer since, discovering great bands and helping them to find an own sound that defines them, wich makes me get fully involved on each project I work on.
Credits: Jadakiss, Don Kasjo Industry quality music producer/engineer with a decade of experience producing, mixing & mastering tracks for hundreds of artists in different genres. Elevate your sound with me, I'm confident I can make your music sound brilliant for cheaper then your local studio guy😎
I have been producing since 2012. Support for works from Simone Vitullo, Milk and Sugar & etc Works reached the top 20 on the Beatport chart.
Professional mixes in a variety of genres, vocal tuning, editing, and audio file cleanup/restoration.
I live for music and make music for life
Bass player needed? Well i got the skills for you! Can play any genre, punk, rock, metal, ska, reggae, country, folk, Spanish, cumbia, any genre you are into and I'll throw my spice on it! Contact me for services!
Hi, I am a singer/songwriter/live performer based in Australia. I write and record Topline melodies for electronic music. I love working with organic house, ambient chill, trip hop, DnB and downtempo and have also had experience working within the Indie Folk genre too.
Hip Hop, Rap, Trap, R&B, Drill, Afro.. music producer for over 12 years and have collabed with a lot of artists
Recent Successes
"Tom is will give the result you're looking for. Just like any musical relationship, you have to be patient and understand the other person might not know exactly what you're looking for or feel your groove right away...."
"Austin was very easy to work with. He was open to my ideas and suggestions, but also had creative ideas of his own which helped bring the mix to life in a way that wouldn't have happened otherwise. I'm more than happy..."
"great professionalism, fantastic quality of work and excellent service! "
"Above average songwriting and creative mixing skills and just able to mesh with the music I wrote. Sam even (easily) convinced me to switch the verse and chorus melodies for a much better outcome. Lots of good energy ..."
"Working with Dibs on my latest track was a pleasure! He was super quick to send back all mixes, very collaborative and understanding, and I ended up loving how the song turned out (which is what matters most!). I'll d..."
"more great drum tracks from Jake. Have worked with him a few times now - across a wide range of styles. If you want drumming & percussion that 'serves the song' - look no further, just hire him!"
"There is some potential in Kates's voice, but it is not what I was looking for. The delivered product didn't match her sample song either. "
"Jonas is incredible. A gifted strings arranger, performer, and mixer. And a total pro. He worked with me over several iterations to get arrangement just right, to honor the song, and he then delivered clean, organized..."