Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with under no illusion
dj, Producer & Remix , Musician, Ghost Producer, Sound Engineer https://linktr.ee/djpinofirmani
Worked with & released on: Toolroom (Trax), Spinnin', Armada, Nervous, Saved, Big Beat, Club Sweat, Kaluki, South Of Saturn, Heldeep, Sink or Swim, Club Bad, La Pera, Lapsus, Bandidos, Etiquette, Nothing Else Matters, Superfett, Hurry Up Slowly, Downtown Underground, Kittball, Nonstop, Clarisse, Under No Illusion, D-Vine Sounds.
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Bill McDonald on SoundBetter
Music Producer, Mixing & Mastering.
Recording Studio, Session Drummer, Song Writer, Music Producer, Mixing & Mastering!
I believe each project has the ability to positively affect the world. I make sure I am conscious of the responsibility we have as artists to actively improve the world and quality of live for those who live here.
Mix & Master
Más de 20 años en la música
Writer, Producer, Vocal Producer(time, tune, comp), Topliner, Vocalist, Playback Session Prep(w/ Autotune)
I'm a Music Producer/Mastering Engineer, specialising in UK music, Dance, Hip Hop.
Recent Successes
"I loved working with Alex, he was very quick, gave good feedback about the mix and amended the master as I requested. I will definitely work with him again."
"Nate is an extremely talented producer. He is understanding and easy to work with. We just finished our first project and it wouldnt have been great if it wasn't for Nate's creativity. Will be working on our second pr..."
"Paul is a hard working man. Getting job done on time, and giving several options. Very good choice to work with. "
"Really great job again mate. I know this was a tricky track to get right as it's pretty unconventional, but you were very creative in how you found space whilst still giving it the energy it needed. Thank you so much!"
"Carlos, not only works with you but delivers quickly and although my first master back was not what i was looking for, once i sent a reference track over, and he re focused, he delivered!! Top draw master Will use aga..."
"Loved working with Madhouse! Great energy - eager to please, I will work with him again!! :0) "
"There does'nt appear to be a genre that Killian is not expert in...Hard Rock, ethereal singer songwriter and now Full on pop.... Reads what the writer is looking for extremely well and Delivers every time "