Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Unconscious
Govind Covers is an independent solo artist based out of New Delhi, India. He composes, plays guitar, records, produces, and manages his works of the alternate genre all from a bedroom studio.
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Either consciously or unconsciously, WE ARE FOREVER CHANGED BY MUSIC THAT MOVES US. Share the excitement and attract lovers to your Event Horizon. You are an unstoppable critical mass - let me help you make music that moves!
Musical Consultant, Multi-Instrumentalist and a soul born to instil Melody in its every possible projection. Name me your goal and I will take your project to an even higher place than that, be it production advice, strong performance or a never ending melody stuck in your head for the rest of time. Send me your dreams, I will give you reality.
Music producer and sound designer from Uruguay, in love with every musical style and willing to explore any topic discussed
Kundalini teacher's training in India - Rishikesh at your selected yoga school (gurukul) Sanskar Yoga Shala is internationally certified from Yoga Alliance, USA and will be your amazing and genuine experience. With the feel of natural beauty of mother river Ganges, you will learn Indian traditional yoga and meditation stride techniques.
Song producer, Art lover, Ill work tirelessly to reach your expectations
Extra dimensional lyricism that breaks the barrier of consensus reality.
Recent Successes
"Mr Marcello - the king of rock, delivers an outstanding performance time & time again. Spot On !"
"Absolute 5 Stars quality Mastering and objective educated feedback/tips for improving the spec on your mixes which I found most valuable. Highly recommended."
"I love working with Dylan. He is very quick in response, feels like a friend, and makes the very best drums! I will come back for more, and I am a picky one. Really recommend :) Thanks, Dylan!"
"Wonderful work! Brought out a sound in our voices we didn't think other people could hear. Brought out a lot of vocal characters that worked very well with the instrumentals. Superb blending and spacial awareness. The..."
"It was amazing working with Nick!! The detail and work on his projects are insane!! He genuinely gives you everything you need for guitars and goes the extra mile!! "
"a new cool job with potential done. it is always a pleasure to work with him. more will follow for sure. thanks very much"
"Amazing to work with Dennis again. I couldn't ask for a better drummer. Great playing and a great sound. Thank you!"