Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Uncharted
Award winning, Grammy Nominated music composer/producer in both audio and visual media. I have become established and currently work in both industries; custom scoring and placing my music in over 2000+ projects in tv/film/videogames/campaigns/promos/trailers/artist and other forms of media.
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I own and operate Namtab Studios, where I perform remote mixing. Audio engineering is my love and passion and it is the most engaging, gratifying, and transformative job.
Gerard Sidhu is a mixer, producer and writer based in Melbourne, Australia. As one half of the international electronic duo, Strange Talk, it is this first-hand experience as a signed artist that’s given Gerard true understanding of the artist and mixer/producer relationship and the intricate process involved.
Welcome to the world of Junior The Drunk! I am Alessandro Laloli, a passionate music producer who ventures into uncharted territories. Within the realms of experimental UK garage, UK bass, and rap genres, I craft compositions that push boundaries and seek innovation.
🔥 A dynamic singer-songwriter who weaves her artistry and vocal diversity into every note, poised to elevate your project to new heights. Her impressive collaborations include renowned artists such as Daniel Ash (Bauhaus, Love & Rockets), Eric Martin (Mr. Big), Chick Corea, Tony Harnell (TNT), Kate Ceberano, and Bumblefoot (Guns & Roses).
Extremely varied producer, can recreate any style of music, I will cater to your personal needs and requirements for what you want.. I will be the machine that brings your exact vision to life
Dive into K25's surreal symphony, where experimental and pop collide, crafting an audacious blend transcending soundscapes. Embark on an exhilarating odyssey through kaleidoscopic melodies, guided by K25's mastery. Experience the extraordinary in every beat, as familiar rhythms pulse like heartbeats of parallel universes. Let your senses dance to t
Award-winning music producer & mix engineer at Stranger Sounds, Canning Town. Extensive experience from arranging and recording orchestral strings in Prague to collaborating with Portishead producers, crafting sonic landscapes that transcend genres. Let's push boundaries together.
Embarking on my musical journey with boundless passion, my voice echoes stories untold, melodies uncharted, and emotions unfiltered. As a beginner with a wide range and an insatiable hunger for creation, I invite you to join me on this exhilarating ride through the realms of sound and soul 🫶🏼✨🚀
Recent Successes
"Stellar work! Pierre mixed and mastered my track, and the final product was spot on. Communication was quick and easy, and the mix down is tailored just how I asked. I 100% plan on using him on future projects. "
"Amazing follow through, great communication, and exactly the performance options I needed. Nate is the real deal. "
"I've worked on four songs with Marianthi's fantastic vocal contributions, & I'll hopefully work with her again in the future, she's that good, it's a privilege to have her artistic talents uplifting my tracks & taking..."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Vic! He delivered and outstanding mix and master for my new song!! Not only is he patient, but has amazing work ethic! I will definitely be working with him again in the nea..."
"Draco is the best engineer I have ever worked with. I have worked with 5+ different engineers over the past 6 years and he is by far the hardest worker, and skillful engineer I've worked with! 5 stars every time, do y..."
"Stephen is super talented, enthusiastic, and professional. He was attentive to notes, and very collaborative. "
"Bailey is incredibly talented & professional. The songwriting and vocals were delivered way sooner then I expected and extremely well made. Highly recommended!! "
"I can't say enough great things about working with Fili!! He was timely, communicative, and super thoughtful about the process from day 1 of our project. The master is truly phenomenal; it's bright, clean, loud, and p..."
"Ivy Marie is the best! I just love working with her!"
"Such amazing work from Marcello and his team! Amazing bass lines and drums. As well as a flawless vocal performance. There were some issues with some of my guitars and they fixed it for me. Always a privelege to w..."