Ukulele in United States
I wrote a 10 song album in 5 days.
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Professional vocal Topliner based in London, specialising in both melody and lyrics. Also offer services for female vocals, backing vocals and adlibs.
I am an artist myself and have been making music for over 10 years now. I understand how important it is for an artist to get their vision to life and that's why i'm here to make sure my clients get what they ask for. I specialize mostly in Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop Music.
Need your songs mixed and mastered? Need a little help with creating more content for your songs? I am here to help with reasonable prices. Audio engineering has been my passion and I want to be able to help others make their ideas come to life and sound great. I am also a songwriter who has studied songwriting and audio engineering in college.
20 years experience producing, performing keyboards and acoustic guitar, mixing and mastering. Over 400 albums produced across all genres.
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Gold & Platinum recording musician, singer, songwriter & engineer. I Am Aisha has several hits to her name for which she received both gold and platinum records. Aisha has worked with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Ronnie Flex, Tohi, Rotimi, F1rstman, among many other names. Performed on the big stages and featured in magazines as Dutch Vogue &Cosmo
Musicien, compositeur et mixeur professionnel, contactez moi pour discutez de votre projet. Je peut jouer vos parties de batterie, guitare électrique, guitare acoustique, basse et piano avec de vrais instruments et de vrais amplis à lampes. du tramping est également possible.
Recent Successes
"working with Natalie is simply awesome. nothing more to say. <3"
"Liset has an amazing tone to her voice, really an incredible singer. She's also brilliant at recording vocals, so I can't recommend her highly enough! "
"Wow. I'm still reeling, Matt has delivered everything I could have hoped for; Brilliant sounding tracks with everything I could ever need for mixing, quick turnaround, an exceptional performance and an innate understa..."
"Chad is an easy going bruh which returns high quality mixes pretty fast! Recommending you to start working with him if you wanna step up your game!"
"He is a good beat maker, i would definitely recommend"
"Charles did a great job laying down drums on a demo of mine - highly recommended to all!"
"Travail bien fait encore une fois ! "
"Great work and very fast delivery! Thank you! "