Ukulele in Kassel
Mixing Engineer and Producer since 10 years. Worked with 'Rosmarin', 'Call us Janis', 'Kamanko', 'Mykket Morton' and many more.
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Hello my name is A.B. I went to Full Sail University for Music Production. I am an Audio Engineer. I look forward to working with you!
Songwriter and producer who focuses mainly on minimal hip-hop esque sounds, synths and guitars with mega-love for a wurlitzer.
Pursuit of art should be fulfilling, enjoyable and revered.
Sound engineers skilled in mixing and mastering, specialized in creative editing and sound design. We also produce high quality electronic music (focused on IDM, Ambient, Techno, Breaks).
If you need a moody muted trumpet or a pretty flugelhorn track, I'd love to work with you.
We deliver our masters in less than 24h and mixing in 2-3 days. We also work with low budgets
British music producer with over 14 years experience. Whether it is music production for artists, mastering engineering for various studios globally or creation of my own music, I put passion and diligence into every project I work on. With over 12 Beatport top 10 hits and experience performing sets at major festivals such as BoomTown, I am a multi
Unleashing a symphony of sonic innovation, Blood Code, the mastermind producer celebrated by platforms like Brownies and Lemonade, Skrillex's netlabel NestHQ, and lauded by blogs like EarMilk and Kotaku, is the audio alchemist you need to elevate your sound.
Recent Successes
"I needed soulful, emotional and passionate vocals for my song and Richard more than delivered! He is very easy to work with and he made sure that I was completely satisfied. I highly recommend him!!"
"Another flawless job with Ivan "
"This Girl is awsome.I gave her two words and she gave me back the song of my life.Like she knows exactly what you want.I'm definitly gonna work with her on every track I have and you should do the same."
"Lachi did two more songs for me and each were more than I imagined. It is thrilling when an artist can top the writers own imagination. When you hear your songs potential, it is disappointing when the artist does no..."
"It's been a few projects so it's so cool to work with Laura! Killer, Keep it rolling! "
"Talented musicians really bring a lot to a project. Jay built a very nice universe on this one, with classy harmonies and nice vibes!"
"Roger is a true professional. Very gifted at his craft, excellent communicator, gets the job done on schedule, and makes working with him easy and comfortable. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to create music wit..."
"This was my first time making a song this way. I asked Adam for a dance track and gave him a few references that I will then write a song on top of. I also had a tight turnaround. Adam was able to fit me in and It cam..."