Ukulele in Costa Rica
+50 instruments, focused on indigenous sounds of Latin America.
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Audio engineer and guitarist, with 4 years of studio work experience in recording, mixing and mastering. Good skills in mixing modern pop, rock and metal.
Mastering engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. Search my name on or Discogs for an extensive list of credits. I've mastered Grammy nominated albums, platinum & gold records, and songs that I've mastered have billions and billions of streams. Apple certified for Apple Digital Masters (MFiT)
I Have songs with artist Such as Heavy Hustla, O.T.G Youngin, and Gwaup a100ways. I'm a Hook master and am very Versatile with my work.
Myitchay, Pakokku Township, Magway Region, Myanmar (Burma).
Producer/ SampleMaker, Carolina Trap, Regular Trap,or Hyper-pop trap. I don't ride the wave i am the wave. Professional Quality Producer
Ciao ! I'm Liuk, an italian musician, teacher and tone hunter. I've been the guitarist and arranger in TV commercials of Ferrero, IKEA, Tic Tac, Nokia in my studio Riverplant Music Studios. I recorded albums, played live shows and teached for the last 16 years of my life.
I’ve been performing, writing, and producing in bands/ with artists for the past 20 years. I have a combined total of over 100 Milllion streams across all platforms. I've worked with bands including; Linkin Park, Beta State, The Holdup, Tim Atlas, Big X and others. Had music on MTV, Fuse, E!, Discovery. I can help take your music to next level.
My open-minded approach creates a dynamic environment that welcomes experimentation, pushing the boundaries of creativity to truly make your music one-of-a-kind!
Recent Successes
"Fantastic job mastering, thank you. "
"Matt is reliable, professional and grace under pressure. Worth your dollars and trust. Thanks for everything bro!"
"Brent is easy to work with - he's professional at all times and is a VERY gifted producer. He made my tracks sound fresh and increased their marketability. Wouldn't hesitate to work with him again - highly recommended!"
"His patience is limitless and his mastery of the art of mixing and mastering knows no bounds. I keep working with him because he keeps giving me the best work imaginable. I look forward to working with him again. "
"Incredible musician with excellent communication and turnaround time. Ziv knew exactly the sound I was going for and got it bang on the first time! Will definitely be working with Ziv again "
"Michael is truly an artist's mixer - He delivers the best version of your song in one shot. He understands exactly what a song needs and is super supportive of the creative vision. It's incredible to find someone of ..."
"He is the best on SoundBetter!!! Legend 👏 p.s. exceeded my expectations"
"Delightful to work with. Really brought my project to life with attention and care. "