Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with UFFA
Mix engineer, multi instrumentalist, Tonmeister. Songs I've produced, mixed, and played on have over 3 million plays on Spotify, I've produced covers with 200k+ views on YouTube, and recorded and mixed records released by Moshi Moshi Music.
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My primary goal is to elevate what was already done without changing the original feeling. I mix and master songs for clients on the top of their game and artists on the come up. Let’s work together to make your vision a reality.
Come record in a custom-built 3000+ sqft. cabin in the remote mountains of Utah - all amenities included. If you can't make it, have a 15 year veteran of the industry record, mix and master whatever you need.
I'm a mixing and audio engineer working in Buffalo, NY with a strong background in film and video.
I have over 10 years of mixing, producing and engineering experience. After over 7 years of touring the world with All Them Witches and King Buffalo, I have settled down in Denver, CO and specialize in mixing, location recording and producing/beatmaking.
Intuitive and also weirdly technical. I really love the transformation that can happen from raw tracks to a final mix that everyone is pumped about.
Need a killer singer to take your track to the next level? A lyricist for your awesome melody or vice versa? Look no further! Specializing in music styles ranging from pop to R&B to simple ooh's and ah's- I've got you covered.
My name is Michael Vargas born in Vineland New Jersey and raised in Buffalo New York. I current have have a 100% GPA at the University Of Arizona Global Campus going for my Bachelor's in Social & Criminal Justice.
Up and coming musical sensation in Nashville, J4 is a Buffalo-born, Nashville-based producer, artist, and songwriter who has worked with many big names such as Michael W Smith, Cage the Elephant, Cory Singer, Gabbrielle Metz, Sam Paige, Kechi, and more. Contact J4 to bring your musical dreams to life!
Recent Successes
"Always get consistent great work from Jemini. Amazing producer. Beats on point, already foresaw what I wanted. definitely working with him again."
"Amazing singer! He's totally into creative craft! I really wish him the best carreer and my advice to everyone here! "
"I was a little shocked that there was a language barrier I really didn't see that mentioned in his profile but he put his all into it despite the language bumps and I give him credit for that. "
"His drum takes on my song are absolutely brilliant. I couldn't have asked for better results. Dan was also very easy to chat with about the song and just fantastic overall experience. I really appreciate the profes..."
"Working with Matt was great. He completed an original bass part for my song. He went above and beyond. The bass was of course great. Yet, he was also quick to respond, gave me great and usable feedback that will help..."
"Bob is a master at his craft. He has great insight for the songs he composes for me and always exceeds my expectations. He is patient and a delight to work with. "
"We just had João record a song that is mix of Latin and Rock music and what a result! He excels in all styles and his versatility and creativity exceed expectations! Will definitely hire João again."
"Brent did a great job mixing my track. Hes very professional and very talented in making sure your track sound amazing. I look forward on working with him again. "
"He worked incredibly fast, skillfully incorporating my ideas and concepts into the project. His ability to use references effectively brought a unique touch. Highly recommend."