Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with U2 Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way (remix)
Multiple Billboard charting artist, singer, songwriter & producer that has produced for Lady Gaga, U2, T-Pain, Elton John, Snoop Dogg, Enrique Iglesias, Rick Ross,etc. He has had multiple Billboard charting songs throughout the years, as well as featured on the Beatport charts in 14 genres. Most recently as lead singer for his band, Midnight Stereo
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Although still a student I have been able to gain some great experiences I playing different styles and settings, having spent many hours working in studios, both college and University settings and standards I will be able to bring a professional and enthusiastic energy to your project.
Latin songs , combined with lots of percussion and strings. most are own work from scratch
I can approach any musical genre with my voice. Versatile Singer in english or spanish. I have a professional gear to record vocals , vocal arrangements, backing vocals , vocal comping, sing your song or imitate another vocalist and send you a full edited final track to be included on your mix.
Lo importante son las canciones
I am an audio engineer in Atlanta, GA ready to bring ideas to life!
I'm a guitarist/bassist/singer/engineer/producer. I can add your written parts or you can give me free rein and anything goes! I have played everything from jazz(the music close to my heart) to punk rock with Lost Generation. I've shared the stage with John Taylor of Duran Duran, Surf God Dick Dale and Handsome Dick Manitoba and the Dictators.
My name is Cesar Machado and I'm a Drummer, Arranger, Producer and I have a recording studio of my own, and I do mixes.
Recent Successes
"Amber skyes is definitely a pro. Love her work and her sound, she responded immediately and delivered on a timely manner thanks again!!"
"Omg How truly amazing it is to work with someone so talented and smart and with enthusiasm! Such a lovely Experience!!! I will be back for the next song soon!"
"J.O.Y is very famous and talented. His toplines are very very good ! ! you will have not regrets to work with him ! full support"
"Great producer and collaborator. Highly recommended. "
"It would be easy to say that if you get the chance to work with someone as esteemed as CG to go for it. But it's beyond that - Carl's sensitivity for the song I wrote; to get it ready for a TV ad and retain the beauty..."
"Another great session with John... He is the best, period!"
"Without a doubt, one of the very best audio engineers on this platform. Outstanding as always."
"First off I want to start by saying Ben is a very supportive and talented engineer/ artist.. who helps and major ways for example for an artist who's coming up with little to no funds, but still manage to work and com..."