Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Two Chains
RIAA Gold and Platinum certified Recording and Mix engineer.
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Martin Nessi has mixed and/or engineered on 10 Grammy and Latin Grammy nominated productions, including Album of the Year and Record of the Year. Using a hybrid mixing technique of analog and digital tools I maximize the emotional impact of your songs by enhancing the music and your performance, taking your song to it's maximum potential.
Detroit based vocalist and songwriter. Attended Berklee College of music and has been singing professionally for 19 years. I also write and produce original music that has been featured on The History Channel and Detroit Public Television
A tremendous ear for a tasteful track. Best at RnB or any sub genre of Hip Hop (Screw, Juke, Bounce, Trap, East Coast, G Funk, Etc.) Let me help you produce, mix, and master your track to be able to compete with the top studios out there for a reasonable rate.
Redmojo is a collective of creatives created in 2015, which quickly become a reference in Portugal, Spain. Currently working in markets such as India, France, Germany, Brazil and USA. RedMojo has worked with artists such as Madonna, Anitta, PitBull, Pusha T, Lola Indigo and and brands like MARVEL, HBO, NetFlix, UFC, NINTENDO.
I am a multi-Platinum Executive Producer & Studio engineer with 10+ years of experience in the local Hip Hop scene and all over the world. I have worked with multiple artists, from beginners to some of the top artists/producers in the country.
Voice behind soulful hits, Janine fuses classic R&B with modern vibes. From Donna Summer to Whitney echoes, experience a vocal journey like no other. From 70's Soul to 90's R&B, Janine's voice resonates with passion. A timeless blend of classics and today’s chart-toppers.
Hello, I'm a Music student at the Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil. My hobby is my job, and I love what I do. I work mainly with electroacoustic music, ambient music, generative music, music production and collaborative compositional work. Enjoy and share my work.
Cantante, Compositor, Arreglista, Beatmaker
Recent Successes
"Austin was wonderful to work with. He got my tracks back to me in a timely manner, and they sound great. He was also very helpful with the minimal revisions I requested."
"Rob did the mixing & mastering on an uptempo pop/nu disco-song of mine, and I could not be happier with the result. It has been an absolutely joy to work with Rob! He had great ideas to the instrumentation, gave const..."
"Evan is a pro in so many ways! He was so great to work with! Patient, kind, cordial, and committed to giving my lyrics life with his arrangement! My words have a life with his incredible talent! Soon my voice will com..."
"Cheshy is very talented and made our urgent requests work. Even when dealing with a personal matter she found time to help us! Thanks so much! You rock."
"Yuri brings a lot of emotion and intensity to your recordings. As of this review, he's lacking some experience playing in odd time signatures, but he was able to work with me to provide what I needed in the end, which..."
"When you have a clear vision of your song in your mind, you need to find a producer who can achieve it. But if your vision isn’t that clear to you, well, it’s the perfect way to find out if the producer you’re working..."
"Beautiful playing, as always! Exactly what I needed for this song."
"Maria did a stellar job and was super friendly and professional, as well as having quick delivery! Definitely will work with her again"
"Highly recommended guitarist and producer, he returned me an excellent fingerstyle version of my song in very short order"
"Andrew is a fucking beast! Even sick he still provided solid vocals and was a gentleman about getting it done. He's a homeboy for life! "