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Turku Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Excited for the opportunity to work with anyone in need of... • Lead and/or Background Vocals • Toplining • Vocal Production/Editing • Voice Matching and Voice Over Production • R&B, Pop, EDM, Gospel production tracks • Piano/keyboard/organ accompaniment tracks
Hi...I'm Moses from Berlin (Germany...). I'm offering online mixing and mastering. I'm specialized in Hip-Hop, Reggae and Rock. If you need something just hit me up :)
GLORIOUS, a livetronica drummer, Pop singer-songwritter, and producer, has been making music since she started playing drums at the age of three. Her unique strengths— livetronica drumming and soulful, resonant vocals— together produce a livetronica drumming and soulful, resonant vocals.
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Hello, My name is Deekon Jones, and I am a producer and songwriter of MANY genres. I’ve recently released my first single “PAST LYFE” on all streaming platforms. R&B, Funk, Hip Hop, Electronic and Jazz motivate me daily, as well as scoring for film and television.
My only goal is to make great songs, and make great songs greater!
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Recent Successes
"Needed another quick vocal sample from Jenny. It was done in about two hours!"
"Thank you for your excellent work, Lewis. You are very responsive and astute in your mixing. Another 5 ⭐️"
"Charlie is a wonderful and talented producer. Very conscientious, detailed and thorough, with a great studio manner and overall ability to deliver. I highly recommend him and plan to work with him again. "
"THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST VOCALISTS SO FAR FROM HERE! Good workflow, great voice, fast and responsible! I am impressed with the results and professionalism! Highly recommend to work on serious music projects!!! THAN..."
"An absolutely wonderful and mind-blowing experience!!! Caroline took my vision and made it come to life. The quality and high standards that Caroline uses is very impressive. She has a keen sense for attention to deta..."
"Top notch! They dont get any better than this dude!"
"Rob nails it every time, and this time was no different. Thanks heaps my man, looking forward to the next one!"
"Always a pleasure working with Federico. He provides great performance and tones options A+++ "
"Jordan like always delivers the highest quality vocals. Another awesome project with this rockstar talent! Super and highly recommended!!"