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Turbaco Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Grammy Winning producer. NYC-based. Pop, hip-hop, singer-songwriter - I do it all!
Hi, I'm Nick and I am based in The Netherlands and I enjoy music. I mainly specialize in mixing and recording. I've done a bunch of recordings for bands which you can view on my website (www.nickhabermehl.com). I've worked for bands like Blaudzun, Balthazar & Ben Caplan. Feel free to contact me for any questions!
I have years of experience playing in bands, performing, recording, mixing, editing, ghost-writing. I work with Garageband for Mac/ios. I have experience writing for all genres.
"Jack of all trades is a master of none." Reflection Studio specializes as a remote mixing studio, specifically for genres that feature common acoustic instruments (drums, guitars, pianos, vocals, etc.) like rock, pop, country, or metal.
I’m a composer with 10+ years in the music industry. I have extensive experience writing music for Film & Television, with dozens of placements on all major networks, as well as being the lead composer for multiple children’s television shows. I am dedicated to leveraging my musical expertise to enhance storytelling and engage diverse audience.
If you want that " Radio Quality" sound im the guy for the job! i specialize in RnB & Melodic Genres ,I can pretty much make anything sound perfect. Im Also the most affordable engineer you will find on here!
I've been making music for over 8 years now, specialized in electronic music, but I can also create beats and mix songs of hip hop and others.
An up and coming EDM artist currently based in Houston, TX. Dallas Williams earned a degree in musical performance from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2015. Since then he started curating music and finding his sound while releasing music to iTunes, Apple Music, and Spotify. Come and listen, vibe, and stay a while; you won’t regret it.
Recent Successes
"His instrumentals are crisp and clean. He definitely captured the sound I wanted. I would be crazy not to work with him again. He's professional, involving no games."
"This is the fourth time I have worked with Mella and she still never ceases to amaze me with her professionalism and sheer heart in the way she delivers both her vocals (always in tune) and her files (always on time)...."
"Jef had a second nature understanding of my style and was very prompt in returning ideas as he contributed guitars, bass and vocals to my song. Great musician and communicator. "
"Andrei is a very talented producer! He took my acapella demo and created a professional and unique song that was above and beyond what I expected. He was very flexible and implemented every note I had throughout the p..."
"Gorgeous arrangement and harmonies by Michael! One of my favs that we have worked on so far!🥳"
"Lex is amazing singer, I provided a demo reference, lyrics and instrumentals, and she provided a professional demo ready song. Im very happy with the results. I will definitely work with her again and you should too!"
"Mark is a profoundly talented bassist. He’s a total artist - a virtuouso with a real depth to creative intuitive playing. He’s truly a pro with a gorgeous tone and polished delivery - you won’t find better than Ma..."
"This guy is the real deal, 2nd time he mastered a song for me and It's once again absolutely soo much better than my mixdown. It really gives that professional touch. Thanks Fabian! "
"Another great string section from Nathaniel!"