Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TUNDO
Hi! I'm Larry, a multi-genre producer and guitarist, and I want to help you create an incredible record. Take a look at one of my latest productions! Where I also recorded the guitar session. I deliver high-quality work quickly. We'll work together on your song as a team, and I'll do my best to make your music grow. Let's create something amazing!
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“I’M HOME” Two Words. One Vision. With another year down, Rkham (Arkham) has been able to firmly put his stamp on Music Forever! Following up his 2018 Debut Album, Pen and Paper, 2020 saw Rkham’s greatest release yet! Welcome to Forever. Welcome to Forever has reached over 120,000 Streams on Spotify, and continues to climb each day.
Highly experienced versatile songwriting duo! Masterful musical storytellers/topline artists/vocal arrangers specializing in helping realize your musical vision!
Another member of your creative team with an objective ear and open-minded perspective; not just a technician. Whether it's a full-on production, mixing or simply mastering, my approach is always collaborative and inclusive; I'm an artist above all else.
Producer, Songwriter, Mix-Engineer and Artist with over 3 million streams on Spotify alone. Credits include Salem Ilese (10k Records/Sony), Gareth T. (Warner Music HK), Emilia Ali (Ultra Records/Sony Music). Graduated from the world's top music university, Berklee College of Music, with a degree in Electronic Production and Sound Design.
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"Elevate your Reggaeton tracks with Luca Taneli's expert beats, flawless mixing, and mastering magic. Level up your sound on SoundBetter!"
IG: @Zetahiphop Zeta vs Wos in Youtube viral video Trap, Rap, Hiphop, Songwritter
I've worked with some of the top producers in Folk & Americana: Dave Cobb, Brandi Carlile, Monty Powell & Ben Tanner to name a few. I bring heart and depth to elevate your songs. Whether I'm playing an instrument, producing, or mixing (or any combination thereof), I'm here to use what I've learned to serve and expand your vision.
Recent Successes
"it's now 6 pieces that are mixed by Konstantin he is listening to what I want to hear, he knows how to adapt to the demand, by force he begins to know my taste and that's what is great, I believe that have progress to..."
"Fast response and absolutely professional work. Bringing my music track to a new level. Thanks, Gosteffects!"
"Denny was super patient and spent a lot of time to get the perfect vocal for this song despite me being super picky. In the end it came out amazing!"
"I love to be able to work Cristina, she really takes the patients and time to be able to create the best piece of work and the best part she makes sure the client she works with is satisfied with the standards she pro..."
"Paul was great to work with and delivered the style of vocals I was looking for. He works quickly and is an excellent communicator. When something needed to be changed he easily took direction and made changes exactly..."
"If I would she's is not good I would say it just to have her for more projects only for me..she has a great voice and her songwriter skills are so good ..she is like the missing sugar in your coffee...I hope I will do..."
"Nelly is a pleasure to work with as a vocalist and songwriter. She delivered a top-notch performance on one of my latest productions. Definitely give her a listen! I hope to work with again in the future. "
"Travis was great to work with, he initially gave great feedback notes on song/mix where I could go and fix things before he did the master. He was willing to send multiple versions of the master after feedback, in ..."