Trumpet in Portugal
Trumpeter on Lil Nas X "Industry Baby" I love creating horn lines that will compliment your track. Fast, Easy, Communicative. I layer myself w/ harmonies to build a full section.
I recorded horns for artists like Vicentico, Trueno, Nicki Nicole, Fito Paez, and many more!
Francisco Oliveira is a musician and composer with a passion for creating music that captivates and inspires. With years of experience playing the trumpet (since he was 7) and piano, Francisco has developed a unique style that blends classical and contemporary influences.
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I am a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts with a degree in Sound Recording Technology working in New York City.
With over 1Million streams on Spotify & SoundCloud from my feature work alone, you'll not only get your song completed, but you'll love the final (and hopefully so will a lot of other people). Sounds like Alina Baraz, Sabrina Claudio and H.E.R. My vocals have been used in genres such as R&B, Soul, EDM, Progressive House, Pop & Jazz.
Extremely skilled songwriter able to put catchy, all original lyrics and melodies to your music in under 24 hours!
An analogue obsessed studio owner, record producer and mixing engineer, working primarily with up and coming bands and artists offering industry standard services at fantastic prices. Projects delivered on time, on budget and sounding great!
Independent rapper & producer. Willing to collab with other hip hop artists!
I am Journexx a jamaican singer and songwriter.
Are you looking for a top-class mixing or mastering, an engineer who is friendly and will give your project full attention? Then look no further. I am happy to offer independent rates to unsigned artists.
Songwriter and Artistic Producer, I have worked with Sony, Warner, Abbey road studios and other professionals in the sector. I am Founder & Sales Manager of Visuartise, a company that promotes professional discography providing high quality services to emerging artists.
Recent Successes
"Riley did a fantastic job reading what I wanted when I literally hadn't figured it out yet. Like it took me approx two weeks to develop personally to get there. Cant wait to see what he's got for the next one"
"Matheus is multi-talented, strong tone, great sound, I highly recommend!!!"
"Elise is a real professional. I always know exactly what I want from a singer and Elise provided me with vocals exactly as I finally expected. The cooperation is great and without delays and Elise is a very nice girl..."
"Awesome work, highly recommend EDM !!!!!"
"HIGHLY RECOMMEND I am a bit new to working virtually, so my own process is not great yet. Cosobatero was very patient with me, as we explored a variety of approaches, until we hit upon some really great rhythms. E..."
"just finished the secong project with Francois - he's amazing, good communication and really great analog sound, we'll be back! :-)"
"Gio is the best mixing engineer out there! He always provides quality mixes and is great and taking feedback and making your music sound better than imagined"
"Worked on the project until we got it right with very fast delivery, I really enjoyed working together "
"Excellent vocalist. Always ready and precise! Will always deliver a 10/10 topline. "