Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Truffele
I'm a professional sound engineer and sound producer. I mix different styles - Classical, Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Disco, Funk and more. I was lucky to work with great musicians Michel Legrand and Montserrat Caballé. The Winner SHOWTEX AWARDS nominations "Sound Design". I'm a member of Reccording Academy
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BlueVine Music, more than 10 years of experience in the music, sound and pro-audio business.
My drumming has been included on Grammy nominated recordings as well as 8 Modern Drummer features. I have drummed for Sugarland, The Aquarium Rescue Unit, Derek Trucks, Mothers Finest, William Bell, Solomon Burke as well as Producers- John Kerzweg, Dave Pensado, Tom Allom, Matt Still, and Jerry Ragavoy.
I care about your projects as much as you do. I will provide high quality Mixing/Mastering at a great price. I guarantee your happiness.
This is ZOE JOSH a professional content developer who has 5 years of experiences.
EssiCrana is a songwriter with a unique fusion of hip-hop, dancehall, and soulful melodies.His commitment to inspiring and uplifting his listeners with BLESS UP MUSIC, BLESS UP VIBES! is unmatched. Whether you're an established artist or an up-and-coming musician, EssiCrana can help you create music that makes an impact.
Produzco tu cancion, grabo las guitarras, mezclo y masterizo. Actualmente, trabajo en la banda de la que soy compositor y productor.
I am a music producer that thrives on collaboration with creative and passionate artists who are looking to build new and innovative music from scratch.
Recent Successes
"This is a tremendous experience working with Raytown Production. Considering how complex our full-length album is, Bobby is able to deliver everything in a professional, efficient and organized manner. He is responsiv..."
"We recorded 3 tracks together and they all ended up absolutely first class. Michael is consistently great to work with and his creative and production capabilities appear to have no boundaries. You'll be pleased you w..."
"He nailed it, i am a very happy customer and shall return to the Drum Doctor for further prescriptions. Highly recommended."
"My dude always kills it! Extremely easy to work with and very understanding of where you want the song to go."
"Jesús is a professional and you will realize from the first moment you contact him listen to the needs of the client and manage to find something that you did not know that your song needs!"
"Its always pleasure and fun to easily work together with less words with KLAAS. Usually he is exactly fitting your requests to 110%. Thanks men! "
"Working with Marcello is always such a privilege. AMAZING bass tracks AMAZING vocals POWERFUL drums And superb mix."