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Troy Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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The name is Andrew A.K.A. "Dre Blaze" from the Caribbean island of Antigua, I have been composing (building riddims/making beats) from since I was 15. Trained with "Air Studios" Engineer "Steve Jackson" that was located in Monsterrat. I am a hardworker and enjoy seeing music ideas and productions come to fruition.
With great experience and working together with the best professionals in the industry, my only goal is to deliver pure art from the heart of the artist all the way to the ears of their fans.
Have over 7 years experience and have worked with upcoming and established musicians in my country. I am very creative and passionate for music.
Professional songwriting, mixing and mastering at affordable rates.
I write pop and rap lyrics. Just starting out in the professional world. Take a chance on me!
Unique beats for artists, let’s work. I am a professional music producer and I’m very enthusiastic to make sure every track is a hit and that you can connect with artistically. I hope nothing but such success for you. Feel free to reach out, come check out my tracks. Let’s get in contact if you find yourself interested in working on some tracks!
Raspy, soulful voice that gets you in your feels. My voice has been featured on ABC, NBC, and hallmark channel. Also sports playoff commercials and radio.
An up and coming engineer with access to a professional studio.
Recent Successes
"Amazing, just absolutely amazing. It´s always a big pleasure for me to work with Kirsten together. It´s even not possible to find the right words to describe her unbelievable talent. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Love working with Richard, awesome dude and such great, soulful, bluesy vocals! Easy and fun to work with."
"Bram is always very professional about getting your tracks to a new level. He processes your feedback well. Hope to be pushing out lots of bangers together with Bram in the future!"
"Joy nailed it! So awesome, love what he did!"
"Solomon is masterful with his approach to music and has an amazing tone. I look forward to working with Solomon again in the near future."
"It was a pleasure to work with Nefeli! She was very professional and super attentive to details. Would love to work with her again. Very recommended! "
"Amazing mix engineer. Really understood how to get the specific sound i was looking for where few others do."