Trombone in Bridgewater
Experienced musician and composer with onstage roles and production credits including Cirque du Soleil, Disney, and "Blast!". Skilled in improvisation in many styles, and in composing music for visuals. Master of Music in Jazz Studies from University of Southern California; Bachelor of Music Education from Central Michigan University.
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High Quality - Complete Post Production!
Strive for Perfection, Enticed by your sound. I am a Mix Engineer/ Producer who's passion is to achieve the best sound for your music, the best performance out of an Artist, and to accomplish the best finishing product.
Hi! I'm a music producer with 10 years experience & I've a lot of beats to develop.
A Tastemaker with a Professional Sound and Other-Worldly Communication. I've Brought the Personal Touch Back to the Mixing Industry! All Genres, Styles, and Project Sizes Welcome. Unlimited Free Revisions.
Arranger, multi-instrumentalist and mix engineer based in the Pacific Northwest.
Músico con más de 15 años de experiencia. Compositor ecléctico y versátil, habiendo escrito música para formaciones muy diversas (orquesta sinfónica, big band, jazz band, música de cámara, coro, electrónica, electroacústica...) Fué escogido como compositor para participar en el Laboratorio de Sundance en Los Ángeles 2018.
- Track delivered in 24 hours after start date. - Up to 5 revisions! - Custom made beats - You will pay only if you like my work! -
Think Lindsey Stirling, but a vocalist.
Recent Successes
"amazing communication skill such a nice man and even if TMR don't mixing African music often he did a great job. "
"Bobby just gets the job done... and he does it fast, without any problems. This man knows how to lay vocals down, every time. Just don't hesitate and book him before everyone else does! "
"Another incredible job for The Rumba Kings! Thank you! Fantastic vocal performance and recording! "
"Great experience working with mike - friendly and patient, and with a great ear!"
"As usual, Camilo is super professional, patient and dedicated. I love working with him. I recommend him wholeheartedly!"
"It's now my third time working with Ashley, and definitely won't be the last. She is quick and does a professional job with whatever material you give her. Can't wait for the next time!"
"Crazy! He turned my production. Now it sounds perfect! I will definitely entrust all my new songs to him! Super recommended"
"Keep coming back to David and he is consistently great to work with"
"Excellent work from Fran! It's a pleasure working with him!"