Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with tricromía
Hi! I'm Turnipz, an artist and music producer from México who specializes in Electronic Pop and Synth Pop. I studied music production and audio technology in one of the best universities in México, and have been producing music for almost 7 years now. I love connecting and experimenting with music, and hope we can make something cool together.
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Duncan Daniels is well known for his music versatility and his ability to masterfully understand a vast variety of music genre's. Duncan Daniels studied Music Production & Engineering. As a musician and songwriter, Duncan Daniels understands his client's needs and has a natural talent for getting the job done.
Recording Mixing Mastering High Class Audio Production Acoustic and Eletronic
Christian Amonson and the team at Arts Laureate provide the best classical recordings in the world.
Let us build around your vocals or work with us to create from scratch.
Hello! My name is Yuka. I'm Japanese. I've been working as a singer and lyricist in Japan since I was 18. Would you like to combine my voice and lyrics with your music? I'd love to work with you to create your best work! I can sing in Japanese. I can sing a little in English, but not with native pronunciation. Gomenne(;ω;)
We have mixed and mastered 200+ piano and neoclassical pieces, garnering millions of streams. Balancing the beautiful dynamics of classical music while ensuring the volumes are up to industry standards takes time to master - and we've taken that time. We can take your tracks from good to amazing and ready for distribution.
I'm Nathan - Versatile pop producer. Remix services available. The Discovery Channel, CBS, NBC, BMW, NFL... Voted: Artist of the Year (2023) on Motion Array.
Recent Successes
"Dope dude, Mad patient and down to earth. Takes his time to do it the way you want, and at times even better than you had in mind. As stated, down to earth"
"Super cool dude, knowledgable, and even helped me with some things to make my recordings sound better. The song he mixed and mastered for me was perfect and turned out what better than I expected! "
"Excellent work. Really interpreted what I wanted, stuck to it enough to be familiar but improvised and had a take that made it feel I was listening to a version of my lyrics that a profession had done. Highly recommen..."
"I only have good words for Matt. He's a professional with a lot of experience and a good taste. And, not less important, he is very friendly. Highly recommended!"
"Very professional bluesman!!!"
"yet another five star performance!"
"Stellar master, yet again. I didn't used to think that mastering could actually make my music sound all that much better, but good mastering can really make a good mix shine. Once I got my mixes to a certain point, a..."