Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trey Broussard
I'm a singer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist and my work has been heard all over the world on the radio, on TV, in movies, and stadium sporting events.
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Hi i am Caden from CDB Studios. I offer extremley high quality Mixing/Mastering/Reamping/Guest solos and Drum Programming as well as other MIDI Instrument Programming, for a GREAT price!
I have been a musician for the past 32 years, primarily piano, vocals, and guitar. I love to create, mix and produce music. You focus on the music, let me focus on your mix.
Personalized mixing and drumming for the individual artist.
I am an Electronic, pop and rock producer with a characteristically sound. I am multi-instrumentalist musician with very solid rules. I produce artist from the independent scene of Bogotá.
Drummer. Vocalist. Music Producer. Editor. Programmer. Beat Maker. Sound Designer. Pro Tools ACT (Avid Certified Trainer). Years of experience teaching Music Production at university level. I hold a Master's degree in Music Psychology. My approach is an emotional one, in which I intend to serve the music and its vision.
I'm a story-singer. My singing and writing style is similar to that of FINNEAS, Sleeping At Last, and Ben Rector. I write personal, honest lyrics, and I'm not afraid to write something uncommon. I love writing about other people's stories - including movies, books, and life experiences.
Electric and acoustic bass player. Real pro experience. Nice basslines for your nice song... Contact me and talk!!!
I am a classically trained musician, less interested in Bach and more into recording System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, and Tool with professional orchestras.
Recent Successes
"Mella did an amazing job writing a song for me!! She took the time to listen to all of my thoughts and ideas and took that and wrote a beautiful song and way exceeded my expectations! She was very friendly and profess..."
"Working with Alex is a real professional experience. All changes are done quickly and precisely by detailed communication. And most important - radio sound quality. Simply amazing!"
"I am so happy ti have found Natalis! Such a joy to work with and "what a talent!!" I look forward to a great relationship, writer to artist!!! THANKS, GIRLFRIEND!! THANKS, SOUNDBETTER!"
"Absolutely loved working with Zefan. You can see that he works to a standard rather than a price. The result exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to work with him again."
"Dan was super chill to work with and i appreciated he took the time to get a feel of the vibes i had envisioned for this song, while still adding his own polished sleek hard hitting sound. I’d definitely work with Dan..."
"Stephanie has that type of angelic and melodic voice that you can put on any record. What I really loved about working with her though is the extent to which she is patient and detail-oriented in her approach to colla..."
"Mark is a true pro. Just amazing mastering work that really enhances my songs. He balances and evens out all instruments, voices and they all sound pleasing to the ear. I highly recommend Mark. He keeps you posted a..."
"GREAT MIX. Definitely working with him more. "
"SC really rocked this last song...just what we needed for the pitch... Not sure how he makes an unheard song his own every time but he dose.. M Miller/Nashville"
"Matt is easy to work with and delivers excellent results. Really can't recommend him enough!"