Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TRAZERwrld
17 year old TRAZERwrld is on a mission to conquer the world. Not just for himself, but to make it a better place. He wants to tell his story so people can identify with it and he wants to let them know they are not alone.
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We are a team of Producers and Engineers specializing in pop, hip hop, and alternative rock. Having worked with talented musicians and producers ranging from Dr. Dre to Dave Matthews Band we know and understand what it takes to make modern music exciting and interesting.
Producer/Singer/Songwriter - Fox, Sony, Miramax, USA Network, Samsung, Lincoln, Warner Chappel PM
Have you got a project which needs extra production, mixing, or mastering? I have worked on 3 UK Number 1 albums, so your project will be in safe hands. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5pknRzd8wYIVgVopH0uLdg?si=1800bd7348174467
The world will know my sound. I have a smooth ethereal sound and i'm real big on clarity and sound quality. I will work around the clock to get the sound your looking for.
Billboard-Charting Songwriter/Producer wants to take your project’s songwriting, mixing or mastering to the next level.
Dolby Atmos, Immersive Audio, VR Audio - Mixing, Post Production - Score Recording, Orchestral Spatial Audio - Mastering & Multichannel / Dolby Atmos Mastering
Real Basslines for real people. I work live and in the studio and have been lucky to play with Grammy winners & nominees, also BRIT & ECHO awarded artists. I am the author of RnB Bass Library for Loopmasters.com
17 year old TRAZERwrld is on a mission to conquer the world. Not just for himself, but to make it a better place. He wants to tell his story so people can identify with it and he wants to let them know they are not alone.
Recent Successes
"This was the first time is asked Simms to produce a song of mine. I can honestly say it was worth the extra investment. He took the heart of the song and created an amazing arrangement that was both creative and yet t..."
"Incredible, Professional and has the skills. Will use over and over and over! YOU should NEVER Master your own track seriously send it to a doctor with a fully balanced room you will be glad!"
"Shrai Provided a fantastic arrangement of my raw tracks into a song with energy and movement I never could have achieved without him. Amazing drum and bass , with ear candy and tasteful fills throughout the pro..."
"After finishing our last project, it was only a matter of time to work with George once again. He wrote an amazing topline, I can't imagine the last time I was that much in love with some vocals, like these ones! I h..."
"Tom was great! His playing is top notch, and he turned around tracks for me lightning quick on a Sunday night, no less. Very grateful to have connected with him and I will be reaching out to Tom again. "
"Sam has never let me down!!! 10 for 10 every song I sent him he absolutely nailed. Clean, articulate, musical, professional, And always full of character, His mixes are all that and more. Can't recommend his services ..."