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Traverse City Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter! I've been producing for 5 years and every day I'm improving. I can do tons of genres and even help write your song where you see fit.
Great drums can really lift an already amazing track and turn it into something absolutely awesome. I will record a custom drum track for your music and return it to you within 48 hours of our agreed recording date. You can then ask for as many edits and changes as you like (within reason), and the you only pay once you are completely happy with it
I want to make sure that everything sounds like in the right place. Delay and modulation plugins are my favorites, I really love unique mixes. Mix + Master = 50$
How can one watch Spider-Man: No Way Home online? The movie will be available to stream on Starz some time between December 2021 Click Here Copy Link-- https://movieuhd.online/watch/tt10872600/untitled-spider-man-sequel
Audio Engineer Based in Austria 🎸 Specializing in Punk, Hardcore, Grunge, Rock and Indie. I offer two main services: 🎙️ Recording and 🎚️ Mixing
Specialized in symphonic orchestration for videogames and entertainment media. Expert in mixing and producing a large variety of music genres.
I'm a God-fearing, motivated Christian/Contemporary Christian/Gospel/Life Music songwriter who also can arrange songs as well. I started writing lyrics at the age of 8 and I have a few songs copyrighted. I've been in praise/worship teams, choirs, and a Temptations rendition group in high school. I've also auditioned for Sunday's Best in 2009.
Hybrid Cinematic Music Producer | Combining Cinematic Music And Electronic Music | Modern Mixes and Mastering |
Recent Successes
"Chad exceeded my expectations. I will continue to work with him as much as I can in the future. Beyond satisfied. Very professional. Constant updates. Five Stars!"
"Worked quickly and took modifications well :) "
"Rob is outstanding! I feel like he really knows how to make you sound your best.. I would absolutely recommend Rob Murray for any mixing and mastering!"
"Beautiful and amazing work as always! "
"Really great service. gave me some suggestions for my mix and then mastered a song for me. made all the changes I asked for really quickly and was super helpful !!"
"Not only is the voice excellent, but the sound of the vocal file is really clean and high-quality. So the biggest advantage is that it can be done really easily when working. Just trust this person and leave it up to..."
"This guy .... I've had him play clarinet on a song and now sax on a song and he killed it both times! What a pleasure to work with. Above and beyond, responsive and the talent...... wow! "
"The ear Ariel had is uncanny and can not be beat! All puns intended. Doing my whole project with Ariel is the best decision I could have made. 🔥🔥"